warmth, closeness, breathing, space, shadows, light, warmth

i was already pensive, as my closest had suffered a maajor disaster

SassyPants, my new (MySpace) freind blogged this today,
and it resonated with my day emotionally


This afternoon a friend of mine told me she wanted to be smoothered. She wasn’t talking about some scary sexual fetish. She wanted to be covered in a love so overwhelming that you can scarcely breathe, nor do you want to. I knew her meaning, having had that very desire myself. To inhale and exhale with another person, feeling them all around you, on all sides and you are blissed out as a result.And then later, another woman told me that she’s being feeling smothered by a friendship she’s been willingly participating in. She has been encouraging the attention and affection of someone who is quite taken with her and has decided it’s too much to take. Smothered. She said the word with fear in her voice. She’s very independent, she told me. She can’t change that about herself, nor does she care to. Her friend’s behavior is alien to her and she can’t even fathom how her own behavior has contributed to her situation.As for me, I long for someone to be sweet to me. I look forward to the time when my voice on the other end of the phone consistently makes another person happy. I’m a do-er, more likely to smother than be smothered. I try to watch myself, but I’m not always successful.

Here’s to each of us looking for what we don’t seem to have. I hope we find it. And soon.
my friend who wanted to be smothered was longing for closeness. The woman who was afraid of being smothered feared a closeness that is so very close to my friend’s desire. To be held and cherished, to feel it all around you. Those things make her nervous, where they just make me envious.”

(monte):somethings written by Be had been on my mind and in my heart’s eye,
among them:

“when i fell on my knees
i discovered legs
saw them rising, smoothly curving on their way up, far beyond my sight
never knew legs could fill the sky like that

when my eyes overflowed with tears
i finally knew about thirst
how the water, filling those oceans, slowly poured down my throat
amazing my tounge on its way

when my body fell stiff
i was hoping for you
your arms, strong n steady as im sure they would be, catching me
as i fall
from the sky
to the ocean
for you”

i wish i had the strength to catch the whole world,
i’m still falling down myself
need what you don’t have?

people need each other!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this fit here, from Sassy also, last month:


“Love is…


“Love is…Sometimes I’m in love with the whole world. My heart fills up with love, overflows with it. And I want to rain it down on everyone I see. If we all just gave away the love the world would somehow be even more beautiful than it is. I want to put my arms around my friends and my family and the nice woman who held the door for me and let them feel the living energy moving through me. I want my old pain healed and it seems possible right now, if I can just keep loving this way.”(monte): i feel what they are saying, very much soi want to smother the world with love (deemed GOOD by my nerve systems)
precisely because
the world smothers me with need (deemed OVERLOAD by my systems)
on OVERRIDE (’cause love don’t quit)

still playin on the teeter-totter?
know there is a reason (and that it’s all ok by me)

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.

Quotes From The Locker Of Devi Jones, Wormhole Flutterby


this first piece is from 1990, i recently titled it Our mother
and used it as the start point of :
Devi’s work’s created for public
“reading” (the focal word meaning in Herstory lessons this week).
late preherstoric “writers” crafted meaning in written words,
“letter” (conflicted meanings warning; or, character)

the devi herself was no exception in the early 21st century:

Our Mother Who’s Arts’ We Are Parts

A spinning garden jewel glistening in the void
The evolving beauty of her incipient brain lost
in idling cancerous malignancy

I stand before the goddess of my ancestors
Begging forgivance my innocence
A steady gaze in her eye
We know I’ll all ways love her
With each no choice but to do as we do

With all I can do I offer
“this life to stop the extinction”
offering left on the altar of my heart

“walk forth from this place of desecration
we will eat the pain with our smiles
our tears will turn the path green
in our struggles to be freely
we will a place of beauty
in our faces we hold truth and peace
spinning thru the galaxy sowing seed
to bloom in health we will be without end”


and there out of the ashes of art
will rise like a big happy fart
a new health a new self a new state of being
a new stealth a new wealth a new way of seeing
a new day a new way to be a sage
and quicken the place
a new way to bring out another age
in a state of grace
a shiny new enlightened stage
to be realities’ new page
a new world a new state of phase
a new sight a new like a new kind of race
a new flight a new tyke a new state of grace
a new upward a new load to bear
a new inward a new way to share
to return to the place of the crown of culture
pushing on outward to space
to be civil I’d guess
a new way to treat I & you and relations between
with a blend of old meanings where beauty can be seen
a new life a new breath and a look in between
if we are to see
all the 21st century
the most meaning full art
will have to be

3 rules of revolution:

3.everything you do is important and is your valid domain
4.everything anyone does is important and a valid domain of your study
5.if you’re not having more fun your not more revolving

the revolution’s never done
the restoration never rests
the reformation always fails to choose

viva la re-evolution!!!

Her Prayers:

Our mother
who art in earth
hallowed be thy rain
Our will be one
her will be done
To make heaven on our good earth

Our mother
beginning’s berth
let us relieve our pain
The time has come
to get things done
In our sights is the end of dearth

Our mother
who’s art is birth
renew what’s been slain

Our mother
for all that she’s done
we offer thankfulness
Warlords are done
peace’s time has come
We have no more use for the gun

Our mother
who sustains our life

know we can, and must now,
end all strife

We are all one
archons’ reign is done
To heaven’s reign we are berth

Psalm I - Litany

Thanx for vinegar and salt
Thanx for a bit of wheat, hops, and malt

That there should be
And that it knows
Where to flow

Thanx for dioxygen
Or either alone
And for what you do
Thank you

Thanx for sky
A place called home
The earth inside
With room to roam

flowers may have petals
thanks to all the metals
like iron and potassium
with the salt of sodium
to balence our fluidity

to keep the water in
by providing our skin
carbon keeps it all together
protecting us from weather
and covers our nudity

For phosphorus and calcium
In every bone
And thank you nitrogen
For all we’ve grown

Thank you sun
Thank you chlorophyll
For what’s done
For you carbo fill

Nucleic acids
Are oh so nice
When you kids
Twine them ’round twice

That mass and energy
Should dance so divine
Thank you
Oh thank you!

space so far
for room to think
in every direction,

Thanx also time,
time to think
Thus able to mind


prayer is how we treat your body and mine
it’s the life we will have to see
to have a future where we will be
prayer is how and why we seek for our kind some more time
peace cooperation and blessings will be all that can get done
when our new age has begun
our love will hit a peak
when no confinement by death has been won
and there is heaven under the sun
we will have all that we seek

Favorite one liners and such:

We’re optomists, not stupid
Paranoia will die!
Galactic consciousness now
Rainforest is genengine
Genengine rainforest
Radital = rad it all
Simple bodies evolve intelligence in complex environments
Complex bodies evolve simple minds in simple environments
Synchronicity increases with increase in the number of levels at which complexity arises in an environment
Everything is everything [everything is everything - everything is everything - everything is everything]

some of this last section needs some work,
i have too many versions of the litany laying about on hard drives they all get weak at the end

so far my favorite part of the entire story is Basil before the court:

“human, the source of all earth’s problems.
they expect the being of supremeness to fix what they broke,
it bespeaks the greatest hubris.”

Basil frampton, ‘coon, 2nd immortal, the companion, when asked if he could use the word hubris in a sentence during the inquisition.
Basil Raccoon’s Favorite Phrase - “jelly donut cannons rule”

That, and her being a solar wind and laser sailing flutterby, where devi really gets to stretch her wings, before becoming the beam herself. Moving at light-speed is natch when being light.

Somebody’s got to be the first to be most awesome, to bad she tripped up the timelines, and had to join the Galactic Revolution.

Under the Wormhole, seriously underground, fleeing through time, back to the source.

of course that was all before (well, and after, of course)
she had to make the locker
after that the story/ our past/ her future just keeps getting darker, and that’s it for now folks.

much love,
Devi Jones’ Locker, still mostly in my head

©: Allness LLC 2006, rights to use by all not subject to any restrictions

Freedom is a state of mind

i cannot give you your freedom
and i cannot take it away
but i will blog all night
for your right to freely express

there are times when they come in the night,
and they come in the day with unimaginable weaponry
and they massacre, and the unimaginative, and the trusting, and the compassionate
and sometimes just everyone,
are just gone

while we may, let’s make hey!
connectedness, community, and wisdom
are ever more accessible

for the picoradio linked sensorchip parallel computing networks
smart dust (and these links are ancient)
of the very near future will know all and see all
and we had better be ready to share it

so live in the light, live in the open
share a solidarity of community
or be first on the cattle cars when
some botnets evolve sentience
and the one in charge buys all the corps

and fires us all

only love and hope can prevent us from being
supeceded by our own machinations

offering instead, to humanize machination
to embody it in wisdom
to bring it back to the whole technologia
by sharing decisions enough that they are
decided by those who care, and are most affected
the real stakeholders all need a say,
and to decide we all need all the info

either way privacy will die
the built environment will become programable
all our best technologia will be grown
and the bug on the windowsill will have eyes
that see the world from all three angles
narrator, subject, object
someone will soon know the world inside out
i feel strongly that one should be ALLOFUS!
otherwise surely not wise

together we can form Gea a much higher mind

we come together in spaces like this more easily
and with more frequency
while most of the peoples’ content and bandwidth
is filled with the drival of peoples’ lives
that is the goal, the objective is for all to have a soap box
all to have a voice, and all to have a choice

and no little puny subterfuge like Dieboldly voting machines
and a few badley stolen, suposedly public, elections,
will ever really change that

when the people realize the chips are down and it’s time to play our cards
and how rare and beautiful us beingness on Earth is
but mostly people never do anything about a problem
untill they can really see it coming, and where the solution is going

this is why we must more fully share the truths of our consensus reality

how do i not love us all?

©: Allness LLC 2006, rights to use by all not subject to any restrictions

Wicca; losing my religion, finding my beingness

Beingness; Finding my Religion

i am relatively well versed in the readings of several traditions
i have a hard time comparing modern neo-wiccans
to other older traditions that have left us a written record

it is very interesting to me that archaeology is finally giving us a picture of celtic culture and druids
but wicca as it was practiced is a relatively solitary, very preliterate practice,
best found in old midwives tales

so generally, when i speak of wicca, it is something that i consider an abstract unattainable dead thing

but if you want brand new and growing, 
alive and dynamic, modern neopagans are great,
if you hang with the ones’ who you think use some level of reasonable reasoning

but it helps me feel the main things of all traditions
that connection that i know is there with my tribal ancestors

and the roots of euro traditions in prehistory

it is all about sensual, beingness, communalness,
the allness

modern monotheism denies respectful familiarity with the visceral to it’s own debility and to the debility of our world and every one of us
a connectedness to the earth mother, and Allness, 
implies or enables a more sensuous connectedness with pleasure, and each other.

but the real thing to me,
Sufi Mystic, Taoist magician, and Hindu ascetic aside,
what really matters to me on the spiritual level of transmissible, recordable, culture,
is to be found in all the aboriginals
the “native” peoples’ cultures all value consesus,
and love, and compassion, and humanity, 
the visceral, vital, joy of the great implacable Allness

since my practice is here,
and my methods, materials, and places, are all native,
(at least the plants animals and human here are all natives now,
and have been adapted to by the native cultures)
more and more often, if you really make me pin it down
my religion is American Indian,
but that does not exist
anglo culture has always tried to 
conglomerate tribal cultures, first into each other, 
and then into the anglo culture

but tribal culture evolves at the band level
and everyone is a member of at least one clan

connectedness arises again

clans have the rhythm of the year,
and the rhythm of one’s life stages,
and the rhythm of the moon,
and this helps exlplain the rythms of life
within, without, and all around you
even the speech that connects our minds with each other and concepts that match all around us
ceremonies that connect you to the changing, and implacably fixed rythms of Allness

rythms of your own movements, and actions,
and thier relations to the rythms of those around you,
and with all of beingness
such that one perceives one’s life as dancing
not even a dance, a dancing
the primitive mind is built differently,
better for the future, than the immediate past
the dance of beingness is more appropriate to the expanding pie,
horizotally structured, consensus, infosphere technologia we must be building

every memory easily retrieved from the place it came from
and fitting into all the others in a rational, alive, growing, and evolving whole
living in nested sets of individuals’ collectives and thier collected various greater groupings
rhythm to the connections between clans, bands, tribes, and nations
the marriages of enemies blending thier wills
softening hatreds
real cultural evolution that really still 
works so much better than the capitalist industrialist

it’s more fun for us
easier on Earth
more of godness
and goodness
to be

©: Allness LLC 2006, use by all not subject to any restrictions


Dwight D. Eisenhower Quotes

“Only Americans can hurt America.”
“Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.”
“We seek peace, knowing that peace is the climate of freedom.”
Ike’s historic farewell address centered on his warning that we must be
vigilant against the “military industrial complex” to balence security and liberty
“We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.”
the entire speach in two parts:
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies,
in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and are not clothed.
The world in arms is not spending money alone.
It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists,
the hopes of its children.”
1953, a speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors


“We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.”
 ”If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison.
They will have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads.
But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human
being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government.”
As president of Columbia University, speech to luncheon clubs,
Galveston, Texas, December 8, 1949
“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists
and rebels – men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine.
As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.”
Speech: New York City, May 31, 1954
“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do
because they want to do it.”
“I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more to promote
peace than our governments.
Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days
governments had better get out of the way and let them have it.”
“When people speak to you about a preventive war,
you tell them to go and fight it.
After my experience, I have come to hate war.
War settles nothing.”
Press conference: 1953.
“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can,
only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity.
War settles nothing.”
Speech: Ottawa, Canada, January 10, 1946
“Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history
to wait for the train of the future to run over him.”
“The world moves, and ideas that were once good are not always good.”
“The history of free men is never really written by chance but by choice;
their choice!”
“Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives
acclaim earned in the blood of his followers and the sacrifices of his friends”
“History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.”
“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do
because they want to do it.”
“How far you can go without destroying from within
what you are trying to defend from without?”
“Disarmament, with mutual honor and confidence, is a continuing imperative.”
“Together we must learn how to compose difference, not with arms,
but with intellect and decent purpose…”
“There is no glory in battle worth the blood it costs.”
“If men can develop weapons that are so terrifying as to make the
thought of global war include almost a sentence for suicide,
you would think that man’s intelligence and his comprehension
would include also his ability to find a peaceful solution.”
“War in our time has become an anachronism.
Whatever the case in the past, war in the future can serve no useful purpose.
A war which became general, as any limited action might,
would only result in the virtual destruction of mankind.”
“The Honor System as a feature of West Point seems to grow in importance
with a graduate as the years secede until finally it becomes something which
he is almost reluctant to talk about.
It occupies a position in his mind akin to the virtue of his mother or his sister.”
Dwight D. Eisenhower, United States Military Academy, Class of 1915;
Letter to Major General Maxwell D. Taylor, then USMA Superintendent.
“A cadet will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.”
Cadet Honor Code http://www.westpointgradsagainstthewar.org/

Albert Einstein Quotes

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking
we used when we created them.”
“Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.”
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge
is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.”
“Truth is what stands the test of experience.”
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
“A person starts to live when he can live outside himself.”
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
“Only a life lived for others is a life worth while.”
“Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities.
The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit
to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.”
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,
but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
“You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.”

Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes

“Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”
“No One Can Make You Feel Inferior without Your Consent”
“It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself.”
“You Must Do the Things You Think You Cannot Do.”
“What one has to do usually can be done.”
“Understanding is a two-way street.”
“Never allow a person to tell you no who doesn’t have the power to say yes.”
“You always admire what you really don’t understand.”

Who’s at the Health Care Reform Table Besides Corp’s(es’) Lobbies?

Today a local Peace list I’m on, and the Green Party US National Committee Discussion List,
both synergized me on this kore important issue that shows lobbyists easily cajoling politicians
into severely dropping the people’s ball once again on this critically out of control issue.
Apparently 54% – 65% of us* (and 59% of physicians**), want single payer, or some such similar
plan, yet such a plan is not even on the table.
** http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN31432035
The lobbyists at the table are inclining bargaining towards even more of the worst exacerbations of
the excesses of the current system. Things like requiring us all to funnel our money through the
current (lack of a) system (of private insurers) designed to profit by taking our money to spend much
of it deciding to deny us care our doctors know we need.
An Opaque System
We do not need solutions that exacerbate the core human and financial issues. One isssue that is
largely being ignored by the focus on the interests of the insurance and drug industries is the huge
cost of admin for he current system. 31% of US health spending goes to admin*, much of that cost
is spent submitting paperwork to a plethora of providers so they can spend much of their overhead
deciding who to deny care to.
“Taxes already pay for more than 60 percent of US health spending. Americans pay the highest
health care taxes in the world. We pay for national health insurance, but don’t get it.”*
Because the right wing wants to focus on personal responsibility, they have allowed an atmosphere
that has fostered conditions conducive to the giants of finance, insurance, banking, credit, and loans
industries, allowing them to make huge profits from writing the laws their way. They say they do this
to allow more of a “free market” in what has become a tidal wave of personal misery bouying up
profits within the industry and depreseing wages across the board. Still medical bills contribute to
half of all personal bankruptcies*, and yet 3/4 of those recently bankrupted had coverage when their
health issues started them on the road to financial ruin.
The biggest inefficiency of all is that our collective social and security needs require us to administer
emergency care to those without real care; those who would have fared much better with better
primary and preventitive care force the taxpayers and insurance consumers to subsidize the care of
the very poor very inefficiently. This is to say nothing of costs of the human misery of the pain,
disease, and crimes that transpire as a result.
There seems to be no end to the number of health care professionals and other activists they will
arrest to keep the phrase “single payer” out of the chambers of legislation*.
If you look closely at the process writing this legislation, you will see much happening that
underscores the degree to which justice is not being done to one of the the two main desires or
hopes that were so boldy expressed last Nov. I will address war another time, here we focus on the
positive side, what we do want and need? health care that makes sense!!!
Still we see a legislative process that is willing to waste immense amounts of wealth and human
capital through the process of essentially expanding human misery to create a market that favors
larger profits for inhuman corps.
Bill Moyers explores “Who is at the Table?
Bill takes note of how many times we’ve already bought this bill of goods,
“don’t worry we’ll cut costs voluntarilly, sure. Now health care cots are rising 6% a year.
Anyone with a memory could be excused for raising their eyebrows at these latest promises”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wi1acHg3mhw (June 04, 2009)
with additional links and comments:

Who Will Be at the Table Archive
Trudy Lieberman is up to 9 articles in her series so far:
Compare the Three Major Offerings on the Table With the Kaiser Foundation‘s Help.
Rhonda has a perspective that most of us need to learn from.
This was the most informative article i read today, and that’s really saying something!
Debunking Canadian health care myths
By Rhonda Hackett; POSTED: 06/07/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT
What do we pay for, anyway?
As a Canadian living in the United States for the past 17 years, I am frequently asked by Americans
and Canadians alike to declare one health care system as the better one.
Often I’ll avoid answering, regardless of the questioner’s nationality. To choose one or the other
system usually translates into a heated discussion of each one’s merits, pitfalls, and an intense
recitation of commonly cited statistical comparisons of the two systems.
Because if the only way we compared the two systems was with statistics, there is a clear victor.
It is becoming increasingly more difficult to dispute the fact that Canada spends less money on
health care to get better outcomes.
Yet, the debate rages on. Indeed, it has reached a fever pitch since President Barack Obama took
office, with Americans either dreading or hoping for the dawn of a single-payer health care system.
Opponents of such a system cite Canada as the best example of what not to do, while proponents
laud that very same Canadian system as the answer to all of America’s health care problems.
Frankly, both sides often get things wrong when trotting out Canada to further their respective
As America comes to grips with the reality that changes are desperately needed within its health
care infrastructure, it might prove useful to first debunk some myths about the Canadian system.
Myth: Taxes in Canada are extremely high, mostly because of national health care.
In actuality, taxes are nearly equal on both sides of the border. Overall, Canada’s taxes are slightly
higher than those in the U.S. However, Canadians are afforded many benefits for their tax dollars,
even beyond health care (e.g., tax credits, family allowance, cheaper higher education), so the end
result is a wash. At the end of the day, the average after-tax income of Canadian workers is equal to
about 82 percent of their gross pay. In the U.S., that average is 81.9 percent.
Myth: Canada’s health care system is a cumbersome bureaucracy.
The U.S. has the most bureaucratic health care system in the world. More than 31 percent of every
dollar spent on health care in the U.S. goes to paperwork, overhead, CEO salaries, profits, etc.
The provincial single-payer system in Canada operates with just a 1 percent overhead.
Think about it. It is not necessary to spend a huge amount of money to decide who gets
care and who doesn’t when everybody is covered.
Myth: The Canadian system is significantly more expensive than that of the U.S.Ten percent of
Canada’s GDP is spent on health care for 100 percent of the population. The U.S. spends 17 percent
of its GDP but 15 percent of its population has no coverage whatsoever and millions of others have
inadequate coverage. In essence, the U.S. system is considerably more expensive than Canada’s.
Part of the reason for this is uninsured and underinsured people in the U.S. still get sick and
eventually seek care. People who cannot afford care wait until advanced stages of an illness to see
a doctor and then do so through emergency rooms, which cost considerably more than primary care
What the American taxpayer may not realize is that such care costs about $45 billion per year,
and someone has to pay it. This is why insurance premiums increase every year for insured patients
while co-pays and deductibles also rise rapidly.
Myth: Canada’s government decides who gets health care and when they get it.While HMOs and
other private medical insurers in the U.S. do indeed make such decisions, the only people in Canada
to do so are physicians. In Canada, the government has absolutely no say in who gets care or how
they get it. Medical decisions are left entirely up to doctors, as they should be.
There are no requirements for pre-authorization whatsoever. If your family doctor says you need an
MRI, you get one. In the U.S., if an insurance administrator says you are not getting an MRI,
you don’t get one no matter what your doctor thinks — unless, of course, you have the money to
cover the cost.
Myth: There are long waits for care, which compromise access to care.There are no waits for urgent
or primary care in Canada. There are reasonable waits for most specialists’ care, and much longer
waits for elective surgery. Yes, there are those instances where a patient can wait up to a month for
radiation therapy for breast cancer or prostate cancer, for example. However, the wait has nothing to
do with money per se, but everything to do with the lack of radiation therapists. Despite such waits,
however, it is noteworthy that Canada boasts lower incident and mortality rates than the U.S. for all
cancers combined, according to the U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group and the Canadian Cancer
Society. Moreover, fewer Canadians (11.3 percent) than Americans (14.4 percent) admit unmet health
care needs.
Myth: Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.Most patients who
come from Canada to the U.S. for health care are those whose costs are covered by the Canadian
governments. If a Canadian goes outside of the country to get services that are deemed medically
necessary, not experimental, and are not available at home for whatever reason (e.g., shortage or
absence of high tech medical equipment; a longer wait for service than is medically prudent; or lack
of physician expertise), the provincial government where you live fully funds your care. Those
patients who do come to the U.S. for care and pay out of pocket are those who perceive their care to
be more urgent than it likely is.
Myth: Canada is a socialized health care system in which the government runs hospitals and where
doctors work for the government.Princeton University health economist Uwe Reinhardt says single-
payer systems are not “socialized medicine” but “social insurance” systems because doctors work in
the private sector while their pay comes from a public source. Most physicians in Canada are self-
employed. They are not employees of the government nor are they accountable to the government.
Doctors are accountable to their patients only. More than 90 percent of physicians in Canada are paid
on a fee-for-service basis. Claims are submitted to a single provincial health care plan for
reimbursement, whereas in the U.S., claims are submitted to a multitude of insurance providers.
Moreover, Canadian hospitals are controlled by private boards and/or regional health authorities
rather than being part of or run by the government.
Myth: There aren’t enough doctors in Canada.
From a purely statistical standpoint, there are enough physicians in Canada to meet the health care
needs of its people. But most doctors practice in large urban areas, leaving rural areas with bona
fide shortages. This situation is no different than that being experienced in the U.S. Simply training
and employing more doctors is not likely to have any significant impact on this specific problem.
Whatever issues there are with having an adequate number of doctors in any one geographical area,
they have nothing to do with the single-payer system.
And these are just some of the myths about the Canadian health care system. While emulating the
Canadian system will likely not fix U.S. health care, it probably isn’t the big bad “socialist” bogeyman
it has been made out to be.
It is not a perfect system, but it has its merits. For people like my 55-year-old Aunt Betty, who has
been waiting for 14 months for knee-replacement surgery due to a long history of arthritis, it is the
superior system. Her $35,000-plus surgery is finally scheduled for next month. She has been in pain,
and her quality of life has been compromised. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Aunt Betty — who lives on a fixed income and could never afford private health insurance, much less
the cost of the surgery and requisite follow-up care — will soon sport a new, high-tech knee. Waiting
14 months for the procedure is easy when the alternative is living in pain for the rest of your life.
Rhonda Hackett of Castle Rock is a clinical psychologist.
© 2009 The Denver Post
The other side, USians familiar with the Canadian system:
Americans Who’ve Used Canada’s Health-Care System Respond to Current Big-Lie Media Campaign
June 13,2009 – Bill Mann

Not long ago, the CBC asked Canadians to nominate and then vote for The Greatest Canadian in history.

Thousands responded.

The winner? Not Wayne Gretzky, as I expected (although the hockey great DID make the Top 10).

Not even Alexander Graham Bell, another finalist.

The greatest Canadian ever?

Tommy Douglas.

Who? Tommy Douglas was a Canadian politician – and the father of Canadian universal health care.


The Healthcare War is Now Official
Yesterday the American Medical Association came out against a public option for health care. And
yesterday the President reaffirmed his support for it. The next weeks will show what Obama is made
of — whether he’s willing and able to take on the most formidable lobbying coalition he has faced so
far on an issue that will define his presidency.
And make no mistake: A public option large enough to have bargaining leverage to drive down drug
prices and private-insurance premiums is the defining issue of universal health care. It’s the only
way to make health care affordable. It’s the only way to prevent Medicare and Medicaid from eating
up future federal budgets. An ersatz public option — whether Kent Conrad’s non-profit cooperatives,
Olympia Snowe’s “trigger,” or regulated state-run plans — won’t do squat.
The last president to successfully take on the giant health care lobbies was LBJ. He got Medicare and
Medicaid enacted because he weighed into the details, twisted congressional arms, threatened and
cajoled, drew lines in the sand, and went to war against the AMA and the other giant lobbyists
standing in the way. The question now is how much LBJ is in Barack Obama.
The big guns are out and they’re firing. All major lobbying firms in Washington — many of them
brimming with ex-members of Congress — are now crawling all over the Hill. Lots of money is on the
table. AMA’s political action committee has contributed $9.8 million to congressional candidates
since 2000, and its lobbying arm is one of the most formidable on the Hill. Meanwhile, Big Insurance
and Big Pharma are increasing their firepower. The five largest private insurers and their trade group
America’s Health Insurance Plans spent a total of $6.4 million on lobbying in the first quarter of this
year, up more than $1 million from the first quarter last year, and are spending even more now.
United Health Group spent $1.5 million in the first quarter, up 34 percent from the $1.1 million it
spent in the first quarter last year. Aetna spent $809,793 between January and the end of March,
up 41 percent from last year. Pfizer, the world’s biggest drugmaker, spent more than $6.1 million on
lobbying between January and March, more than double what it spent last year. It also spent nearly
$3.3 million lobbying in the fourth quarter of 2008. Every one of them is upping their spending.
Some congressional Democrats are willing and able to stand up to this barrage. Many are not.
They need cover from the White House.
The President can’t do this alone. You must weigh in and get everyone you know to weigh in, too.
Bombard your senators and representatives. Organize and mobilize others. And let the White House
know how strongly you feel. This is one of those battles that define a presidency. But more
importantly, it’s one of those battles that define the state of American democracy.
Reich followed this with an appearance on Bill Moyers Journal Friday evening. June 12, 2009.
Bill asks, “Will he (Obama) push back?”
I quote only a short bit with my highlighting a few key pints.
*BILL MOYERS: *Wait a minute. The folks who are fighting for single-payer out there say it is
feasible if only Congress would look at the economics of it.
*ROBERT REICH: *Well, a lot of things are feasible if Congress looks at the economics of them.
But politically, no, unfortunately and I’m a big single-payer fan. Unfortunately, *we cannot get there
from here because the political forces are just too strong against single-payer.*
*BILL MOYERS: *Are the business forces prescient when they say that if we get a public option, it
opens the door down the road to single-payer?
*ROBERT REICH: *If the government simply requires that the public option pay for itself, can be not-
for-profit, just pays for itself that’s not going to be necessarily a direct opening to single-payer.
But it is going to force the private insurers and the drug companies and the medical suppliers to be
honest, to control costs, and to provide better quality.
*BILL MOYERS: *You’ve got these powerful lobbies that you’ve been writing about on your blog.
And you said on your blog this week that the real question for you is the extent to which Barack
Obama will push back against these lobbies. What’s your answer to your own question?
*ROBERT REICH: *I don’t know, Bill. This is the first test where there is huge organized opposition.
And it’s coming from very, very powerful lobbies who have prevailed– not just for ten or 15 years.
You’ve prevailed for decades on this issue. So this is the truth time in terms of how able and willing
the President and the White House is to really set boundaries and push members of Congress.
*So it’s at this point– and I’m talking about the next two or three or four weeks. I mean, we’re
talking about crunch time right now– that the President has got to step in and be forceful and be
specific. And I don’t know whether he will be. I hope he is.*
Bill Moyer’s Profile of Reich
Single-Payer: Is Nationalized Health Coverage the Way to Go?
Bill Moyers; 2009 05
Health Reform for Beginners: The Difference Between Socialized Medicine, Single-Payer Health
Care, and What We’ll Be Getting Ezra Klien
Do You Think Socialized Medicine Would Be:
Better – 45%
Worse – 39%
About the Same – 4%
Who Knows – 12%
I’ve been meaning to write this post for some time. The words “socialized medicine” and”single-
payer health care” get thrown around with such gleeful abandon that they’ve both become a bit
unmoored from their actual meanings. In the American health-care debate, they tend to refer to
“whatever the Democrats are proposing.” But that’s not what they mean.
Socialized medicine is a system in which the government owns the means of providing medicine.
Britain is an example of socialized system, as, in America, is the Veterans Health Administration.
In a socialized system, the government employs the doctors and nurses, builds and owns the
hospitals, and bargains for and purchases the technology. I have literally never heard a proposal
for converting America to a socialized system of medicine. And I know a lot of liberals.
Single-payer health care is not socialized medicine. It’s a system in which one institution purchases
all, or in reality, most, of the care. But the payer does not own the doctors or the hospitals or the
nurses or the MRI scanners. Medicare is an example of a mostly single-payer system, as is France.
Both of these systems have private insurers to choose from, but the government is the dominant
purchaser. (As an aside here, unlike in socialized medicine, “single-payer health care” has nothing in
particular to do with the government. The state might be the single payer. But if Aetna managed to
wrest 100 percent of the health insurance market, then it would be the single payer.
The term refers to market share, not federal control.)
Socialized medicine is far outside any discussion we’re having. Single-payer medicine has a genuine
constituency but is also a vanishingly unlikely outcome. But the promiscuous use of the terms has
created a rather confused population. “Socialized medicine” is the thing we don’t have. In some case,
it’s the thing we don’t like. The graph atop this post comes from a poll conducted by the Harvard
School of Public Health. They found that Americans actually preferred socialized medicine to our
system. Or take this question, about our current system:
Is The Following “Socialized Medicine?”:
HMOs – 31%
Veteran’s Health – 47%
Medicare – 60
(numbers rounded off)
You’re reading that right. About 30 percent of Americans think HMOs are socialized medicine.
Which implies a couple things. First, the term “socialized medicine” has been diluted beyond all
meaning. Second, it’s no longer considered a terrifying outcome. And third, nothing that’s this
amorphous — and actually preferred by a plurality of the population — is likely to prove a terribly
effective attack against health reform. Socialized medicine has become such a stand-in for “not this
system of medicine” that it’s begun to look good in comparison.
Meanwhile, what we’re actually going to get is not socialized medicine or single-payer health care.
It’s a hybrid system. Private insurers, hopefully competing with a public option. Private doctors and
private hospitals. Government regulation and subsidies. It’s going to be complicated and messy and
inefficient and hopeful and the product of a strange mix of corporate preferences and public
compassion and latent populism. It will, in other words, be a uniquely American system, and hard to
describe with a single epithet.
Obama and the Lobbyist
Frank Blair
I have gone on record numerous times in the past as saying that none of us…as voters…has as
much to say about how the government is run as do the lobbying groups in Washington.  They run
a massive industry on K Street in the nation’s capital.  True, there are “good” lobbyists as well as
those who would oppose legislation which would seem as being advantageous to the people at large
but for the most part it is the lobbyists with the most money….millions of dollars….who grease the
outstretched palms of our elected politicians.
Such an advantage is now being debated everwhere.  I am talking about the reformed health care
plan under which a large segment of the population in the US which is uninsured would have
available a government proposal guaranteeing that they would have a plan insuring them of
adequate coverage.
Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor in Bill Clinton’s cabinet, raises a critical question on this
morning’s AlterNet.  Reich has always been a sane voice in what has often been a babble of talk.
 And he raises the question of whether President Obama has the fortitude (one might say “guts”) to
confront the lobbyists as they seek to prevent a health care plan forthcoming.   In particular he cites
Big Insurance, Big Pharma but most of all (and this may surprise many),  the American Medical
Association, as opposing health reform.  Millions of dollars are waiting to be thrown into the battle.
The question remains whether Obama has anything beyond a smooth oratorical talent to oppose
these lobbyists.  Reich has this to say about Medicare and Medicaid which came into being under the
tutelage of LBJ in the 1960s:
             “The last president to succesfully take on the giant
              health care lobbies was LBJ. He got Medicare and
              Medicaid enacted because he weighed into the details,
              twisted congressional arms, threatened and cajoled,
              drew lines in the sand and went to war against the AMA
              and the other giant lobbyists standing in the way.  The
              question now is how much LBJ is in Barack Obama.”
This indeed is the question.  Lobby groups are powerful entities and throw their weight around in
ways that are hard to resist especially when they contribute to the political funds of those who
Will Obama be up to the task?   That is the million dollar question.
Email Comment
Scott McLarty, GPUS Media Coordinator; Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:34 PM
Greens “need to take stock of reality and get out the message that Single-Payer will only be possible
when the political landscape changes.
The only hope of changing the political landscape in a way that will lead to Single-Payer’s enactment
(and a lot of other real & systematic changes) is the emergence of a strong alternative party that
doesn’t take money & orders from corporate lobbies.” (Green Parties don’t)
Physicians for a National Health Program
is an excellent source of mind blowing info about health care reform:
The Green Party US on Health Care Reform in 2009:

President Obama can either work to enact health care for all Americans or he can support insurance and HMO industry profits, say Greens,
January 29, 2009 - http://gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=174
Greens urge widespread protest over President Obama’s exclusion of Single-Payer/Medicare For All advocates from the March 5 health care reform summit at the White House Wednesday,
March 4, 2009 - http://gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=188

America needs Single-Payer, not the public health care option, say Greens Tuesday
May 26, 2009 - http://gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=216
Greens prepare for the national Day of Action promoting Single-Payer national health care on May 30,
May 28, 2009 - http://gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=218
Green Party leaders challenge Sen. Baucus and defenders of private insurance to debate Single-Payer advocates, 
June 4, 2009- http://gp.org/press/pr-national.php?ID=221

Ready for Even More Ever Bigger Coal?

Potential profits of 100s of new plants are buying next week’s House vote.

please go here and sign moveon.org’s petition


while i’m not a big fan of Move On, they have made it too easy not to pass up this opportunity to send a message.
Do them one better and send an email, snail mail, or a phone call to your Rep.

Congress is voting on the big energy bill next week.
But the latest version of the energy bill would repeal a key part of the Clean Air Act -
arguably the most important environmental law in American history.

Big coal companies want to revoke President Obama’s authority to crack down on global warming pollution
from their dirty power plants — and they’re on the verge of winning.

If they succeed, the oldest and dirtiest coal plants could keep destroying the climate for years to come.
And this change could pave the way for 100 new coal plants,
which would pollute our communities with smog, soot, mercury, and global warming pollution.

I signed a petition urging Congress not to repeal this Clean Air Act provision.
Can you join me at the link above?


1. “EPA urged to act on climate, not wait for Congress,” Associated Press, May 18, 2009




American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (Introduced in House)

Library of Congress, May 15, 2009



2. “Stopping the Coal Rush,” Sierra Club

“Find up to date status information about proposed coal plants across the country.”



3. “Taking on King Coal,” Time,

BRYAN WALSH Wednesday, Nov. 05, 2008


They Can’t Lose Our Money if We Create Our Own

Weal is that which one can share with others,
and multiply.
It is weal not wealth that creates real value,
why allow another to define your terms of trade?
It’s about you and the customer right?
Cut out the middle man!
Local and Liberated Currencies
An Excellent Intro Overview:
One Example of a Model That Seems Well Baked:
Common Good FINANCE
Learn Much More:
Time Dollars:

By the Corps(es), For the Corps(es), Of the People?

There is no way to penalize a corporation (or a government) that does not actually hurt people instead.
At least when the paper overlord is a government, we have the illusion of owning it; who owns the
largest conglomerates that actually write the laws and pay for the votes that pass them?
Conglomerates all own each other.

“We are all back seat drivers, & there’s nobody at the wheel”

(Timbuk 3 ’Reverend Jack and His Roamin’ Cadillac Church’)

Hence it is our imaginary overlords who actually ”govern” our planetary scale decision making.

They originally came about by human authored rules and laws, and existed only on fragile pieces of

paper, but have now transcended paper and even nature’s laws, making over humans, and even the
world itself, as the fragile illusions of permanence; for the only laws that matter are the ones they
themselves have written. A human that imagines any humans to have power, or the ability to
conspire with other humans, or even the power not to conspire with corps(es), is simply deluded.

Humans will only return to governance of human affairs when they have collectively made the choice

to stop imagining otherwise.

No matter how one looks at it, there is an ongoing attempt to have immortal ’paper’ imaginary

citizens rule the world of living mortal actual beings.
How do we stop it? Even more to the point, why did we ever allow it? Occasionally some, such as myself,
will point out that imaginary immortal beings are neither equipped to understand,
nor prioritize, the needs of living mortals, and the fragile planetary
organism our breath and tears are part of.
They cannot even be made care to obey nature’s law.

Socialism of, by, and for the corps(es), with the goal of world dominion; Does Fox ”News” actually

hate such socialism?
or do they consciously promote it by opposing any advancement of the human cause?How again is it we are not a national socialist governed nation?Does that not apply to massacring Arabs over there instead of Jews here in the homeland?

War always kills and impoverishes human people and it always profits corps(es),

if you try to stop it they will cry out for their 18th amendment rights (which they don’t have).
If you want to kill our real enemies, simply stop believing in their imaginary power to compel us
based on an imaginary legal equality with actual citizens.

What’s really on my mind? don’t have one anymore.

Watched the Fox News channel comedy show called Red Eye tonight,
they cured me. Now i’m right all the time, i know everything, i don’t need a mind of my own,
and i finally get the whole concept of buying an Amerikkkan soul for myself.
(if the whole world sucks enough then us true believers won’t suck at all)

Blind faith, and a belief that things will always remain just as one grew up believing them to be

are the only excuses we have for our stupidity. They are not very good excuses, but when it comes
to a reason to follow the herd of lemmings it appears most of us need only the thinest of veneers.
That’s what happens to social mammals,
but it’s a cruel twist of the inevitable that brings us to a
place where we don’t believe in the need for us to work and play well together
even though we are less equipped than any other animal
to survive au natural alone.
Faith in the imaginary overlords is the only excuse we have
for having such little faith in ourselves.

Two good examples: those who call for war often claim Jesus’s Love, just as those who call for

corporate welfare often cry out for a free market.

Let’s just make the whole mess much simpler and more honest by evolving a religion based on the

axiom that unexamined selfishness is the only greater good. The only way you get into heaven is
by out pacing the Jones, preferably by stealing from your neighbor.

We can cut the middle man right out and worship the conglomerates who are our actual lords,

those with thoughtful minds can make an analogy to the angels (not the fallen ones of course,
have some faith in blind belief).

Donald Trump can be the prophet, or the sacrificial lamb, and GW Bush can wash his hands of us all,

while the entire Dow family becomes enlightenment itself. Monsanto can be the savior of the world’s
threatened monocultures and self replicating organisms can play the role of Judas.

Damn! i think i’m half there already…
So who wants to put something in my collection plate to get the ball rolling?

Posted for Jeremy Jenson

The people that stand up for this country. For all the free people that still protest, you’re
welcome. We protect you and you are protected by the best. Your voice is strong and loud, but who
will fight for you? No one is standing in your crowd. We are your fathers, brothers, and sons, wearing
the boots and carrying the guns. We are the ones that leave all we own, to make sure your future is
carved in stone.
We are the ones who fight and die. We might not be able to save the world, but at least we try.
We walked the paths to where we are at and we want no choice other than that. So when you rally
your group to complain, take a look in the back of your brain. In order for that flag you love to fly, wars
must be fought and young men must die.
We came here to fight for the ones we hold dear, if thats not respected, we would rather stay
here. So please stop yelling and put down your signs, and pray for those behind enemy lines. When
the conflict is over and all is well, be thankfull that we chose to go through hell.

The Trigger

a 1999 science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke and Michael P. Kube-McDowell.


It is an excellent attempt to explore the sociological impact of rapid
militarily significant technological change.

A group of scientists invent, by accident, a device that detonates all
nitrate-based explosives in its vicinity.

This provides good protection against most modern conventional weapons.

As the technique becomes more refined, safer, and more widely aplicable,
those who are threatened by it, and those who are threatened,
the old and the new, military, political, and economic, interests,
become more and more entrenched and embattled as benefactor
and threat relations change, yet seek to remain the same.

Some will always seek more change, and some will always seek more the same.

Why oh Why? why do we do what we do?

Drugstores make the sick walk to the back to get their prescriptions,
yet healthy people can buy cigarettes right up front?
Ever see the headline: ‘Psychic Wins Lottery’?
Doctors call what they do ‘practice’?
Musicians and athletes get paid to play?
Some order double cheeseburgers, large fries, and a diet coke?
Banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters?
Some leave cars worth thousands of dollars in the driveway,
to put useless junk in the garage?
Hot dogs come in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight?
Drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering?
The sun lightens our hair, yet darkens our skin?
Women can’t put on mascara with their mouth closed?
Lemon juice has artificial flavor, dish washing liquid has real lemons?
The man who invests all your money called a broker?
The time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
‘Abbreviation’ is such a long word?

There’s no mouse-flavored cat food?

Noah didn’t swat those two mosquitoes?
They sterilize the needle for lethal injections?
Sheep don’t shrink when it rains?
They are called apartments yet are all stuck together?
Con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?
Flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
The indestructible black box is so indestructible,
why don’t they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!


Awesome Huge New Physics Implies Hyper drive!!
Virus Bots Takeover DSL Modems & Routers
Thin Film Motors Vids

and how I missed the actual boat by at least two years,
even though once again was ten years at the dock

but first, the most “important” news today


Botnet Worm Targets DSL Modems and Routers

“A. Is your password “admin,” “root,” “password,” or some other
such simplistic shit?
Can you log into it remotely? If so, you’re vulnerable.

B. Does SSH still connect? Can you get to your router’s web page?
If so, it’s not infected.

C. It’s a router, not something of any great intrinsic value.
Nuke the firmware and start over.
(Reset, boot_wait, JTAG – lots of ways to nuke a new firmware
into these things without having network access to them.
Listed previously are some good terms to Google for.)”

well, be careful with that axe Eugene…
(it might be <i>alive</i>)

Magnetic Fluid Screw
1:38,  Views:  58,180

Reflected Gravitational Waves

By this point, i’m still feeling like i got the purple pill,
and every time i eat it the same thing happens;
except that i’ve been reading a lot of sci-fi lately,
and now i’m living in one of the stories.

most notably The trigger by Arthur C. Clarke and Michael P. Kube-McDowell
which i highly recommend

Sub space travel is a hypothetical ramification, of this new paragdigm
but propellant free “graviti-motive” force has already been applied and measured.

So, there it was, in my inbox, with my daily slashdot.com story teaser list.
This article simply cited another article,
If superconducting sheets reflected gravitational waves…
…wouldn’t our most sensitive experiments have spotted this by now? Maybe they have

“”In the couple of weeks since he introduced the idea that superconducting sheets can
reflect gravity waves, Raymond Chiao from the University of California, Merced,
has been busy with a couple of buddies working out how big this effect is… Chiao and co.
ask how big the effect of a gravitational wave on a thin superconducting sheet is compared
to the effect on an ordinary conducting sheet.
The answer? 42 orders of magnitude bigger.”"…

“One experiment springs to mind that might be capable of seeing this effect.
Gravity Probe B is a space-based experiment designed to spot the geodetic effect
and frame dragging, two tiny forces predicted by general relativity.

The experiment consists of four perfectly round spheres, each about the the size of a baseball,
that spin rapidly and so behave like gyroscopes.
Each sphere has a thin superconducting coating which allows its spin and any changes to it
to be measured precisely. ”

and an experiment called Gravity Probe B
“The data analysis leading up to this important result proved more subtle than expected.
‘Patch-effect’1 anomalies on the gyro rotor and housing have complicated the gyro behavior
in two ways, a changing polhode path affecting the determination of the gyro scale factor,
and two larger than expected Newtonian torques. Put simply, while mechanically both rotor
and housing are exceedingly spherical, electrically they are not. Steadily advancing progress,
reported to NASA directly and via successive meetings of the NASA appointed GP-B Science
Advisory Committee (SAC) chaired by Professor Clifford Will, has brought a rather complete
understanding of these effects. A turning point came in August 2008 with the incorporation
of an elegant approach for computing the detailed history of the remarkable “roll-polhode
resonance” torques discovered a year earlier by J. Kolodziejczak of NASA MSFC. The result,
reported here, was a large reduction in previously unexplained discrepancies
between the four gyroscopes.”

Of course, the slashdot article is where all the comments are.
Some of these softened me up with positing antigrav fields, and reversing measuring effects
in interesting ways, and some humor surrounding all that.

So, i read these,
and opened all the links cited in the stories and the discussion,
SOP for me.

mostly it was about the number 42, at first,
i expected no more than jokes about my favorite book,
Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy,
but this one comment put me on to some interesting sources,
that put me on to some more interesting sources.

For a short while while i was reading this one Wikipedia page,
it all seemed such a well designed but simple planted prank

It all sounded so fairy tales super normed out;
too typic. Too much a based in fact but derived from fiction feel about it.

“Predictions claimed to have been derived from first principles
that are experimentally testable are:

* Predictions of the masses of neutrinos
* Predictions of new particles
* Predictions of excited states of existing particles
* Predictions for the conversion of photons into the so-called “gravito-photons”
resulting in a measurable force.

Heim predicted in the 1980s that neutrinos would have nonzero mass.”

Yea, but i predicted it in the 70′s, big deal
(i always had a theoretical rejection on mass less neutrinos, no math involved).

Then i read a New Scientist article
cover story from 5 Jan., 2006 (http://www.newscientist.com/issue/2533):

“Dröscher is hazy about the details, but he suggests that a spacecraft fitted
with a coil and ring could be propelled into a multidimensional hyperspace.
Here the constants of nature could be different, and even the speed of light could be
several times faster than we experience.
If this happens, it would be possible to reach Mars in less than 3 hours
and a star 11 light years away in only 80 days, Dröscher and Häuser say.”

!! and a page from the EU Space Agency !!:
(http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/GSP/SEM0L6OVGJE_0.html 23 March 2006),
and a whole lot of previously completely disconnected info began to fit together
in ways that i would not have guessed.

The proverbial platinum hammer to the head. It was very good.

“Their experiment involves a ring of superconducting material
rotating up to 6,500 times a minute. …

It demonstrates that a superconductive gyroscope is capable of generating a powerful
gravitomagnetic field, and is therefore the gravitational counterpart of
the magnetic coil.”

Today’s biggest news, from where i sit, seems to be over two years old,
and i suspect that the general idea may have been around for some time.

Whether recent experiments have actually caught several research teams
by complete surprise, or they are just confirming and legitimizing the knowledge gained
nefariously at “Area 51″ over the years, we have an experimental data set
almost requiring a coherent theory of hyper drive and/or anti-gravity propulsion.

Over the last decade or more there have been a lot of anomalous effects recorded
regarding the precise measurement of gravity and mass.
Often lately this has been explained by a “missing” dark matter and/or dark energy.

The fact is there have been some better theories lying around for a very long time,
positing that the strength of gravity falls off at a different rate outside
a certain distance, and/or positing an anti-gravity repulsive field of some sort
or another.

There have almost always been proofs of Einstienian mass and gravity ramifications
that seemed to be off the mark in little ways that defied explanation.

These are the basis, to a large part, for the tradition of excluding
“facility induced effects”.

With the still broadcasting pioneer and viking space probes getting so far away,
and the sensitivity of our gravity wave detectors increasing,
we are finding some big questions unanswered lately in physics.

The ESA report (http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/GSP/SEM0L6OVGJE_0.html),
makes it quite clear that we have stumbled on a good chunk of what underlies
the answers to many of these questions.
The negation of gravity is highly implicated in these results,
if they are to become replicated without further elucidation of another effect.
According to theories based on those of Heim, such is the result of another force
in addition to, and similar too, gravity,
these are claimed to explained by Hiem’s theories.

So, this reading brought me into contact with Heim’s theories
for what i think is the first time.
Apparently the theory seems pretty shaky to the pros,
but is supposedly still the only one to explain the masses of particles
in any meaningful way.

This is actually where it gets hardest for me to believe right now,
as the Wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heim_Quantum_Theory),
is currently stamped with “The neutrality of this article is disputed.”,
since Dec 2007.
It seems it should have been resolved by now.

In any case there is plenty more to go on than WIKIpedia, Heim, or his theory,
in the ESA article alone:

“This experiment is the gravitational analogue of Faraday’s electromagnetic induction
experiment in 1831.

It demonstrates that a superconductive gyroscope is capable of generating a powerful
gravitomagnetic field, and is therefore the gravitational counterpart of
the magnetic coil.
Depending on further confirmation, this effect could form the basis for
a new technological domain, which would have numerous applications in space
and other high-tech sectors” says ESA study manager Clovis de Matos.
Although just 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth’s gravitational
field, the measured field is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger
than Einstein’s General Relativity predicts. Initially, the researchers were reluctant
to believe their own results.”…

“We ran more than 250 experiments, improved the facility over 3 years
and discussed the validity of the results for 8 months before making this announcement.
Now we are confident about the measurement,” says Tajmar, who performed the experiments
and hopes that other physicists will conduct their own versions of the experiment
in order to verify the findings and rule out a facility induced effect.”…

“If confirmed, this would be a major breakthrough,” says Tajmar,
“it opens up a new means of investigating general relativity and it consequences
in the quantum world.”

We have engines just like the ones i’ve heard the more credible Area 51 insider reports describe??

uh huh

Keep your eye peeled one whats going on with “Frame Dragging Signals” in real research labs.
Here’s one that looks to explore and confirm the parameters of the effect itself:


Search for Frame-Dragging-Like Signals Close to Spinning Superconductors
Authors: M. Tajmar, F. Plesescu, B. Seifert, R. Schnitzer, I. Vasiljevich
(Submitted on 25 Jul 2007 (v1), last revised 22 Apr 2008 (this version, v9)):
“High-resolution accelerometer and laser gyroscope measurements were performed
in the vicinity of spinning rings at cryogenic temperatures.
After passing a critical temperature, which does not coincide with the material’s
superconducting temperature, the angular acceleration and angular velocity applied
to the rotating ring could be seen on the sensors although they are mechanically
de-coupled. A parity violation was observed for the laser gyroscope measurements
such that the effect was greatly pronounced in the clockwise-direction only.
The experiments seem to compare well with recent independent tests obtained by the
Canterbury Ring Laser Group and the Gravity-Probe B satellite.
All systematic effects analyzed so far are at least 3 orders of magnitude below
the observed phenomenon. The available experimental data indicates that the fields
scale similar to classical frame-dragging fields.
A number of theories that predicted large frame-dragging fields around spinning
superconductors can be ruled out by up to 4 orders of magnitude.”

Damn they move fast nowadays.

Here’s just one of many many examples of what i feel has been the elephant in the room,
which apparently has been replaced with the potential for some real answers to the question:

On Cosmological Implications of Gravitational Trace Anomaly
Authors: Neven Bilic, Branko Guberina, Raul Horvat, Hrvoje Nikolic, Hrvoje Stefancic
(Submitted on 26 Jul 2007 (v1), last revised 15 Oct 2007 (this version, v3))


44th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit,
20-23 July 2008, Hardford, Connecticut
Gravity-Like Fields and Space Propulsion Concepts
Walter Dröscher1, Jochem Hauser 2
1Institut für Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft, 6010 Innsbruck, Austria
2Faculty Karl-Scharfenberg, Univ. of Applied Sciences, Salzgitter Campus, 38229
Salzgitter, Germany

“In summary, the present situation is characterized by the fact that a large number
of experiments were performed over a period of more than four years,
employing very different measurement techniques, but showing highly similar,
but totally unexpected results.
Measurement techniques in all experiments are clearly state of the art,
in particular for the GP-B experiment and the latest experiments by Tajmar et al.16 p .
Hence, the conclusion is that substantial experimental evidence for the existence
of gravity-like field is available.
It remains to be seen, whether in the case of the Gp-B experiment the misalignment
of the orientation of the gyro axes and the change in the gyro rotation frequencies
can be convincingly explained by classical physics.
According to EHT, the misalignment of the orientation of the gyro axes has be
attributed to a gravitomagnetic field, and the change in the gyro rotation frequencies
needs to be traced back to a gravity-like field.
If this were true, a rather solid experimental basis of three highly different
experiments seeing the same novel physical phenomenon would exist.
This would serve as a comprehensive experimental data set against which theoretical
concepts have to be compared.
In this regard the GP-B experiment might deliver highly interesting novel
physical results.
The current theoretical findings from EHT and their comparisons to experimental
results are encouraging, though lots of open questions remain.

For the sake of clarity, the current situation (June 2008) is rephrased as follows.
There is experimental data from three completely unrelated sources, employing
completely different measuring techniques that have seen physical effects that
are approximately 18-20 orders of magnitude larger than predicted by GR.
In all experiments a phase transition occurred at low temperatures
(not necessarily at TC, the critical temperature for superconducting, but possibly
two-electron interaction took place?).
GR cannot be used to explain these phenomena, even if the full nonlinear Einstein
field equations were used, which should make no difference.
The Lageos and GP-B experiments have clearly
demonstrated that the inertial frame-dragging effect, even from celestial bodies,
is extremely small and within GR.
These facts provide evidence for novel physics

in the form of additional fundamental forces.

How to proceed? It seems that there is sufficient reliable experimental data to
start a comprehensive theoretical and experimental
research program in gravity-like fields.
There exists a physical model that can partly reproduce experimental facts,
and also provide guidelines for an experiment generating a gravity-like field
acting along the axis of rotation, while the ring or disk is rotating at constant
speed. If such an experiment were successful, the goal of gravity-controlled
technology (energy generation) or propulsion without propellant would be much closer.
Naturally, a propellantless propulsion system would be far superior to any existing
propulsion technology, while its technology might be substantially simpler than
present technology of linear momentum conservation employed in chemical,
fission or fusion rockets.

Moreover, gravity-like fields most likely would lead to novel technologies
in the general field of transportation, and thus should be of major interest
to the public and, in particular, to industry.

There is, of course, despite the rather solid experimental basis,
insufficient knowledge at present whether these gravity-like fields are
technically feasible and how they scale.
The next step should therefore be to conduct a comprehensive and detailed study
for determining the technical details of how to realize the proposed experiment
for a vertical gravity-like field and to clarify the theoretical background.
At the same time current experiments should be further refined and re-evaluated.

Needless to say, control of gravity would lead to completely new technologies,
comparable to the advent of electricity and magnetism in the 19 th century.”

Note, the effect is doesil, as in the choice of clockwise betrays a great deal of prophetic
ability of the ancestors, or the odds of a binary choice, but yet again the Allness
reveals she has a right hand bias.

Turns out 2008 does mirror 1908, talk about some critical years,
they almost give the year the Emperor burned the Chinese fleet (boooooring)
a run for it’s money, after all, it was the year they drove Islam out of Spain (1492).

This is not even the only new hint of a new type of motor,
but this is sooo much more 2009,
just as much a surprise out of no where,
and means of a similar type effect, in a way.

Been meaning to post these for weeks:

You have to check out
these magnetically driven thin liquid film motors in these movies:


these also came from slashdot in my inbox:
http://arxivblog.com/?p=401 &
“Here’s an interesting effect discovered by a group of Iranian physicists at Sharif University of Technology in Tehran, Iran (it’s not often we hear from these guys).

They placed a thin film of water in a square cell and applied two perpendicular electric fields. One was an external electric field. For the other, they used two copper electrodes to generate a voltage across the cell like an electrolysing cell (although no chemical reaction took place).

So they had a pair of electric fields at right angles acting on this thin film.

The unexpected result is that the film of water begins to rotate. The team has a number of movies of the effect on its website. They call it a liquid film motor and it’s a quite extraordinary effect. At one point they divide their cell into nine smaller ones and the liquid in each cell rotates in exactly the same way.”


in this one it is easier to see how this could pump fluids around a bio sensor chip:


your assignment, should it interest you, is to go here and see if you can
make sense of what causes this:
Liquid film motors finally explained

Yer modem’s under attack!!
Hyper-Drive and Anti-Grav accidentally Discovered,
in Iran they discover liquid film motors,
‘delic vids resulted

Welcome to the physic of 21st century

Here’s more Ferromagnetic “liquid metal”:
Freaky Liquid Metal
4:19, Views:  906,711


Sachiko Kodama, Yasushi Miyajima “Morpho Towers — Two Stand
2:40, Views: 730,075

Amazing Magnetic Art Sculpture!!
5:19, Views: 136,205

“give them the protagonist’s role” Mauricio Funes

Now, what we’re going to do is put the government and the structure of the state
at the service of the Salvadoran people–the totality of the Salvadoran people-
-but fundamentally, of that great majority who are oppressed and excluded from
the country’s social and economic development. [The people who for]
not just the last twenty years but for last 200 years or more
have not had the possibility of participating in the formation of public policies.
A government like the one I’m going to create will give them the protagonist’s role,
which, until now, they have not had.”
Mauricio Funes

The Nation magazine is running an interview (following) with Mauricio Funes,
elected a few days ago to be the first leftist president of El Salvador.
Most leftists in the world question his identifying with “the left,”
as he appears to be quite conservative. But make no mistake,
the progressive community of the world sees this victory as a step up for El Salvador,
which has been ruled by extremely brutal right wing fascists for a long time –Jack

A Conversation with Mauricio Funes

By Roberto Lovato & Josue Rojas
On March 15, the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN)
became the first leftist party to clinch a presidential election in the history of El Salvador.
By 10 pm, it became clear to Salvadorans and to the world that the former guerrillas
had ended more than 130 years of oligarchy and military rule
over this Central American nation of 7 million.
In the streets, thousands of red-shirted sympathizers chanted “¡Si Se Pudo!” (Yes, We Could),
while they celebrated the victory of the FMLN’s Mauricio Funes.
Funes captured 51 percent of the vote, to 49 percent cast for Rodrigo Avila of the Nationalist Republican Alliance party, which had been in power for twenty years.
Though Funes, a former journalist, is the best-known Salvadoran on his country’s TV networks,
he is little known outside the region.
Thanks to a collaboration between The Nation and New America Media (NAM),
reporters Roberto Lovato and Josue Rojas had the opportunity to interview
El Salvador’s next president on the night of his election.
What follows is an excerpt from this interview with Funes, who addressed numerous issues:
the meaning of his presidency, El Salvador’s relationship with the United States,
immigration and other domestic and foreign policy concerns.
Immigration has become one of the defining issues of the US-El Salvador relationship.

How will your administration’s approach to this issue differ from that of the outgoing Saca administration?

The fact that we’re going to rebuild the democratic institutions-
-enforce the constitution and make of El Salvador a democratic state that respects the rule of law-
-is the best guarantee to the United States that we will significantly reduce the flows of out-migration.

Salvadorans who leave to go the United States do so because of the institutional abandonment,
the lack of employment and dignified ways to make a living.
This forces them to leave in search of new possibilities in the US.
It’s not the same for us to ask the US government to renew TPS [temporary legalization]
without a Salvadoran effort to avoid further migration flows,
as to do so from a position in which we have undertaken efforts to reduce the migration flows.

What’s the first message you’d like to send to President Obama?

The message that I would like to send to President Obama
is that I will not seek alliances or accords with other heads of state from the southern part of the continent
who will jeopardize my relationship with the government of the United States.

Opinion polls in El Salvador indicate that large majorities of its citizens reject key policies that define,
in many ways, the relationship between El Salvador and the United States,
specifically CAFTA, dollarization and the Iraq war.
What will your approach be to these issues?

We can’t get mixed up in repealing CAFTA…nor can we reverse dollarization,
because that would send a negative message to foreign investors,
and then we’d be facing serious problems because we wouldn’t have enough investment to stimulate the national economy.

What do you think the United States government should be concerned about with regard to El Salvador at this time?

To the degree that we do our part, which is to rebuild our productive capacity
and to create a coherent social policy that improves the quality of life,
there will be fewer reasons to leave for the US and we’ll reduce migration flows.
And that should be a concern for the US.

Where will the effects of the transition in power be felt most immediately?

We’re going to change the way we make policy.
And one of the most significant changes is that we will no longer have a government
at the service of a privileged few.
And we will no longer have a government that creates an economy of privileges for the privileged.
Now, we need a government like the one envisioned by [Archbishop of El Salvador] Óscar Arnulfo Romero,
who, in his prophetic message, said that the church should have a preferential option for the poor.

Paraphrasing Monseñor Romero, I would say that this government should have preferential option for the poor,
for those who need a robust government to get ahead and to be able to compete in this world
of disequilibrium under fair conditions.

This government implies a break from traditional policy-making.

Now, what we’re going to do is put the government and the structure of the state at the service of the Salvadoran people-
-the totality of the Salvadoran people-
-but fundamentally, of that great majority who are oppressed
and excluded from the country’s social and economic development.
[The people who for] not just the last twenty years but for last 200 years or more
have not had the possibility of participating in the formation of public policies.

A government like the one I’m going to create will give them the protagonist’s role,
which, until now, they have not had.

Activist Arrested for feeding the homeless 2:02

Water Wars have begun

Green Grassroots Direct Interactive Open Source E-democracy Consensus Seeking

Al Haj Jameel Ghuari endorses Pete Karas for mayor

links from Wikipedia

(?yes to all these things?)
Greens need to know these pages on Wikipedia
if you don’t agree with something, join up and “argue” your case

we especially need to pay attention to the first ten,
or down to the “Democracy” page:







A Handbook on Formal Consensus Decisionmaking

“a group of people collectively decide on a course of action

that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals”; see also:


Many other important resources,
and concepts important to green governance,
can also be found by navigating close to the Democracy page:





















for more, see also:

Al Haj Jameel Ghuari endorses Pete Karas for mayor

Tell Congress No! Retain the right to grow food!

This Bill Died In Committee.

soon to be up for a vote is a bill that could stop small and local producers;
HR-875  ‘Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009’
There is a U.S House Resolution…HR875…entitled “The Food Safety Modernization Act”…put forth by Rosa Deloro, a Dem. from CT, whose husband is Stanley Greenberg, who works with many corporations, including Monsanto, that wants EVERYONE who grows ANY food to register and report to the Feds.
Failure to do so results in large fines and potential seizure of property.
I’ve never been poisoned by anything at a farmers market, and it’s none of their business if i choose to grow a strawberry plant or a tomato!
Text of Bills:
HR-875 Meta Data:
1:40; INN report; Criminalize Organic Farming? EXCUSE ME?! BILLS: HR 875 and S 425
5:22 (actually @ 2:25-4:20); Don’t Panic! USGovernment to regulate ANY “Farm” – Victory Gardens? RELOAD
8:15; The End of Local Food (HR 875)
google video search:
Text Editorials:
Monsanto’s dream bill, HR 875 (followed by an excellent selection of Monsanto GM quotes, and massive good commentary)
Change We Can Believe In: How About the End of Farmers Markets? Say Hello to H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic farming and the backyard gardener, and violation of the 10th amendment
HR 875: The End Of Organic Farming?
HR875: Your homegrown tomatoes are illegal
The End of Organic Farming? How HR875 Could Kill the Farmers Market
Social Bookmarks:
feel free to plagiarize my wiseacre comment below left on one of these pages;
better yet, write your congress person!
i’m so scared of organic food that i think the government should arm us with assault weapons and rockets and train us to use such in self defense against rabid tomatoes and broccoli
it would probably also make us a whole lot safer if we spread all our nuclear waste evenly over all lands that might be used to grow food consumed in the US just to make sure that even if organic farming techniques are being used anywhere that i won’t have to be attacked by any actually organic food
as to those who would like to give me their extra homegrown zucchinis, i would be happy to entertain the idea of accepting them if you can submit triplicate copies of the paperwork required by this bill to ensure your food facility is safe enough for me and mine

growing vegetables next door without submission of this documentation will require a response from my assault weapons

monte letourneau WI Green Party
Allness Unlimited
all general statements are false

Hand Coded

Now hosted on my account here at: http://www.dot5hosting.com/, these sites were done almost entirely in Notepad, and were managed with FileZilla FTP.

There are some broken link errors, and probably other minor PHP scripting issues, caused when i moved them from the root of this directory.

2003; my first commercial sitefor my sister’s business, now defunct, @ http://montesite.net/os/r2/home.html. This would have been much easier to build in a scripted user managed space like this one, but, unaware, I built it in raw html with well over 100 hand coded pages. The shopping cart worked back when we had a live paypal account.

2004; second commercial sitefor local rapper Lil’ Dude, @ http://montesite.net/os/lildude/index.php. I started this one in php with a mind towards being able to add more functionality down the line, nonetheless it still remained largely an html based site. Not only has the artist changed his name, but they have since decided to go without a website of their own. In 2008 he set up a more modern page at http://lildude.net/home.html. It has been good for me to see this young man’s career progress apace, he has worked with many talented music biz veterans. Some errors result from my header and footer for montesite.net being moved without being adjusted.

2004; school project, and my first venture into really scripting, 
I was very happy with this simple execution of a multiaxis reference system for links, a type of system that i feel is badly in need of wider use to allow people to navigate complexly organized and voluminous sets of data in more meaningful and efficient ways according to their current needs.
The assignment was to execute certain scripts within i-frames.
The content was never filled out, and I never got around to making the submission forms
work in the current environment, but it felt very much like a creative success nonetheless.

2005; school project, and my first screen capture video tutorial,
This is a tutorial about using ftp to access your UWM webspace,
it became obsolete the next semester when they migrated to a more user friendly environment,
this was quite a disappointment since i’d thought i’d finally done something that would actually help others. Some errors result from my header and footer for montesite.net being moved without links being adjusted.

2005; montesite.net vers 1: @ http://montesite.net/os/, I never really finished it, or fleshed out all the content I had envisioned, but it served as a great place to store content and links.

2007; Southway Bait Sales http://southwaybaitsales.com/home.htm. Definitely the pinnacle of my hand coding work, I spent ages getting the look and feel I wanted. Unfortunately it still does not function as intended. The creation of a linked bank and Pay-Pal account, a retail price and shipping cost structure, and the editing of an old VHS vid, took so long that we lost the password and the will to recover it.

Still hoping to whip this into functioning shape with the very minimal work it would take to make the paypal links work and post the best i could do with the vid edits. For now it makes one heck of a catalogue and business card. Like so many of my hand coded commercial sites, I took far too long making the design work for myself. Surely I hope to never belabor the art like this again, despite the fact that I enjoy it.

I take pride in graphic design work, but my efforts with Joomla have yet to obtain such a focus on the details of look and feel. In Joomla and Drupal, like any CMS or web app, the look and feel are controlled by off the rack CSS based templates that I have yet to modify or study in any depth, as i am still busy adding functions and content. I understand CSS, as we had to study it in school, but I never took to it like raw HTML, though it is the simplest of markup coding.

The Peace Justice and Environment Project

What is the Peace Justice and Environment Project?


The Peace Justice and Environment Project (PJEP) is a network of networks using the Actions Options Tool (AOT) web-publishing software as the backbone of their websites. Use of the AOT makes publishing web content easy and efficient while encouraging the communication and cooperation of member groups on common projects. Designed by activists and then developed and refined in the field by those using the software, the AOT is currently being used by over 1000 justice, peace and environment organizations in 26 networks or coalitions covering 33 states throughout the U.S.




The purpose of the web application, the Actions Options Tool (AOT), is to facilitate human-to-human communication. The AOT is not about replacing person-to-person communication with web, email or digital features, but is about encouraging human communication through web and email applications. The AOT has resulted in more real time meetings, phone and conference calls between the individuals and organizations most needed to accomplish specific organization goals. This web application facilitates finding and organizing allies and then getting things done by reaching out and taking action.


The Actions Options Tool was designed to encourage organizations to support each other forming connections that strengthen the activist movement. Within each network using the AOT software, organizations post their actions. Actions that garner 55% or greater support and a commitment of participation from 5 other organizations through the AOT action grid will have access to the system’s database for an email blast to publicize their action. That database is created from the emails of those who register or support campaigns on the network. In Illinois, the database contains over 4000 email addresses. Other states have the same potential. Additionally, as the network of activists grows, campaigns travel beyond the borders of a single state.


There is a shift in identification as we experience increased contact with those folks that share our experiences. The AOT provides a window and connection to other activists creating an opportunity to experience our self and those around us as very closely allied or tied. Trust and empowerment are experiential and political descriptions of the same human condition. The AOT is a political empowerment tool that enhances an environment of trust by providing guidance and perspective that comes with connection to other individuals and organizations.

Website Organization/Navigation of the 21 State Network Sites of the Peace Justice and Environment Project


Home Page Under the Network banner, the Home page displays New Actions and new member organizations added to the network. Further down the page are Announcements and News Articles generated by and for network members.


Actions is the home of the AOT Action grid. Here all current actions sponsored by Member organizations are shown on the horizontal axis. A click on each action title will link you to full event details. On the vertical axis, active member groups register their degree of support for the posted actions. A legend at the bottom of the page defines what the degrees of support mean.


Calendar events are shown on a single month expanding grid that displays posted actions and has features for recurring vigils, meetings and other events. Place your cursor on each event for the full title, click on the event for full details.


Resources gives access to links, documents, videos, audio files books and pictures relating to news & opinion; 43 issue categories; peace, justice & environment organization and activist tools. The search feature within the resources section allows for the speedy recovery of files with names or descriptions with relevant key words.


Campaigns has details of network initiated actions for members and registered users: Petitions, Boycotts, E-letters and Fundraisers with a summary showing how close (#s of signatures or $ raised) each campaign is to goal


Social Net gives access to the public face of the site’s social networking users along with contact information. Each page has as much or as little information as the social network user desires.


MemberOrgs has a full list of network member groups. Click on any name to access the member group’s page (some used as a group’s web presence). Here are links, logos and contact forms to learn about and get in touch with our participating organizations.


Networks has a full listing and links to PJEP’s 21 network and coalition websites that serve 26 states.


PJEP links to the national website of the Peace Justice and Environment Project.


About has our mission statement and describes the benefits of participation in the PJEP network.


Contact allows for general inquiries as well as a link for groups interested in joining the network.


How Member groups use the Features of PJEP Websites using the AOT


Administrator Control Panel has a menu of interactive features to serve member groups. To get access, the system emails each member representative or administrator (you) a temporary password after the website facilitator enters you into the system. Log in using your email address and password. Here is what you’ll find:


Profile contains your personal contact information. Here you can re-set your password to one you can easily remember. Include your phone number so your fellow admins can contact you.


Organization Information operates as your group’s webpage within the PJEP site. Here you can enter your group’s mission statement, upload your logo and list your group’s website as well as other custom information including links and graphics to appear on theMemberOrg page. Some groups use this space in lieu of their own website.


Edit – If you need the make a change re your Organizational information, just click on the “Edit“ button and follow the prompts. Each Control Panel function allows you to edit your information to correct or change information.


Message Center (Message Transmission)

In addition to being able to contact your network facilitator or and the committee heads if there is a governing body of the network or coalition, the ‘Message Center’ provides each organization’s representative or “admin” the opportunity to email any other admin within the network or coalition. There is even the option for an admin to email all other network administrators simultaneously.


This is not a substitute for a phone call. By far the best way to communicate or solicit support is by picking up the phone and the phone numbers of your fellow admins are located here in the message center.. But sometimes there is no substitute for a rush urgent email transmission to all member organizations. The message center allows you to do so. Use this feature prudently.


Actions (The Actions Grid)

Each time you add an action, your event is posted on the website’s Action Grid, inserted onto the Calendar, listed on the home page and an email goes out to each administrator in the network. Your action can be a vigil, forum, talk, visit to elected official, petition, boycott, film showing, speak out, press conference, editorial board meeting, tabling, fundraiser, e-letter or letter to the editor campaign, mass-phone-calls to elected officials, or mass protest. It is the most powerful function of the network.



Each vote you make triggers an email notification to the sponsoring organizations and a vote of support or better becomes a small message of solidarity with those who have worked hard to put on an action. A definition of each vote’s degree of support appears in the legend at the bottom of the Action Grid on the website.

Several activists have noted that the time taken within their organizations to note degrees of support for the actions and events of other organizations has positively influenced the culture of their group. What emerged was an awareness of how closely related actions and activists are across the state.


The ‘Actions Offspring’ section provides the opportunity for several closely related actions to congregate in a single area, under a single Action. This section behaves similarly to MoveOn’s programming for multiple location actions allowing the creator of the Action Offspring to note the number of attendees coming to the event, the number of guests allowed and volunteers required. This section of the website can be useful for large organizations with multi location actions.



Campaigns – Petitions, Boycotts, E-letters and Fundraisers –For the most succesful Campaignwe recommend you also post it as an Action with a link to the PJEP Campaign Page. for example, fundraising for a peace scholarship would have an action asking folks to access the fundraising page and support the effort. As well, all campaigns benefit from a vigorous outreach plan to get as broad support as possible



By clicking on ‘Add a petition drive’ note the seven steps to a successful petition drive. Petitions are a great way to make connections to organizations in other states. If you create a petition, call the AOT developers at 800 878 1801 and we’ll guide you to organizations in other states that might be interested in sponsoring your petition for that activist community.


Our most successful petitions were grounded in emerging current events. An Illinois assemblywoman proposed the impeachment of George Bush in a floor bill. A petition to support the bill was posted on four days later. Within eight days 1000 signatures were gathered and delivered to the Assembly Speaker with television and radio present.



By clicking on ‘Add a boycott (located below ‘Boycotts’) note the seven steps to a successful boycott. Although boycotts usually involve strategic long term planning and a multi-state presence, this is not always the case. In July of 2007 it was discovered that British Petroleum had received permission from Indiana EPA to substantially increase its Lake Michigan dumping of ammonia, was already dumping mercury and had applied to increase their atmosphere effluents. Within a week Indiana, Illinois and Michigan AOTs posted boycotts of BP. 700 signatures were gathered in less than a week.


If you have sponsoring partners across several states you can get media attention. Call 800 878-1801 for media consultation.



Modeled after the e-letter centers of national organizations, the AOT e-letter functionality offers the admin of any participating organization (you), the ability to compose and post a letter online, except that it can be modified by a visitor and transmitted to the target chosen by the admin.


Stored in the programming are the email addresses of Federal Representatives and Senators or their legislative aides. You can choose the category of target (House members, leaders, etc.) and the AOT software will display that category so a visitor can observe who is being emailed. An upcoming feature will allow you to create a custom target, for example the mayor of a local town, if an e-letter online action requires a localization of the programming.


The e-letter center is perhaps the most complicated to setup of the various features of this site. Call 800 878-1801 if you have any questions or would like guidance to make best use of this feature.



Organizations can now create online fundraisers. Fundraisers can focus on an event, promote an action, piggyback on an online campaign, or stand alone as an ongoing way to collect funds. The system only allows credit card contributions. Because of Federal election law, we can not manage fundraisers for political parties.


Reporting functionality allows you to analyze your campaign. You can investigate funds collected, obtain specifics on donors and donation amounts, find out when donations came in, etc. Several sorting criteria allow high quality reporting of what works best when using these tools.


PJEP will cut a check for the contributions for your campaign whenever there is over $100 in your account on the 15th of the month for the previous month’s receipts minus the credit card processing fee, estimated at 3%. When people make a donation, they will also be asked if they would like to add a voluntary “tip” to PJEP for providing the service to the network. When the campaign end date arrives, a check will be written for the balance of the funds collected for the fundraiser (minus CC fee).



By plugging in a date & time, providing an event name, description and location you can alert users of the website to the events that your organization would like other network activists to be aware of. Actions are automatically posted on the calendar. The system’s calendar allows for recurring events such as regular peace vigils and meetings.


In Pennsylvania, for example, calendar postings were the first text to populate the website. Minnesota’s Coalition uses this feature more than any other section of the site.


Articles and Announcements (Home Page Updates)

Each member administrator may post articles and Announcements on the Home Page of your state network. Don’t like what is currently posted on your network’s Home Page? Here you can keep the home page current by posting text pictures or videos relating to your organization’s actions, events and projects or your favorite analysis of peace, justice or environmental events.


Announcements have a cut of date when the announcement will be removed. An article will move down the page (and eventually into the system archives) as new content is gets posted on top of it. Announcements will have content relating to a timely event, while the information in posted Articles have a lasing effect.


Note the option of using custom formatting, inserting graphics and posting YouTube videos in your Article or Announcement. If you have any questions about this or any other feature of the site call 800 878 1801 and someone will help you.


Resources (Links, PDFs, Audio files, Videos, Docs, etc)

The Resource section, overseen by a dedicated committee, is meant to be a one-stop-shopping site or online library for those needing information on how to affect change for social justice. Resource content might be a PDF focusing on an upcoming protest or a detailed document offering long-term perspectives on the movement as a whole.


Resources on each network site include general categories available in all states, plus a dedicated section for each site. Admins have the opportunity of adding resources to your state’s resources by following the Control panel prompts. If you wish to submit resources for the general categories, please send an email to laurel [at] pjep [dot] org.



Here you can upload pictures and documents for display on your Action announcement (for event flyers), MemberOrg page or in a Home Page Article or Announcement. Select upload and follow the prompts to add a file from your own computer. Once uploaded, the system will provide you with a system url for your link or page display. Again, please call 800.878 1801 and someone will answer questions and help you upload and insert content.


The Social Networking and Political action Page (SNAPAP)

The social networking and political action page (SNAPAP) offers a host of features never before available in any context let alone a nationwide web of social and political change networks to benefit both individuals or groups.


To access these features, register on the site, after which a password will be automatically issued by email. Then users may log in using their email address and system generated password when first logging in to the site. Upon logging in, SNAPAP users who are not also administrators, will be automatically directed to the SNAPAP controls.


Profile Window is where you can update your personal information for other to get to know you. Here you can re-set your password to one you easily remember.


User Created Resource Center/Favorites Allows users to create a personal digital file library. Here you can search their resources noting only their own contributions or every contribution of every resource or digital file in the system, an alternative universe of left/progressive contributions.


Interactive Message Center

A unique feature of SNAPAP is the text message center allowing the storage of multiple phone numbers making possible a transmission of a single text message to numerous activists to drive them to a spontaneous event. Mass text messaging is unique to this form of software.


Online Campaigns: SNAPAP offers something extraordinary.

Multiple-degree-of-separation software tracks the indirect influence that an activist exhibits when she or he brings in friends to an online campaign and those friends bring in additional participants. When a user participates in a petition, boycott, e-letter or fundraiser the AOT offers three ways to trace indirect participants in that campaign: 1) when a user refers a friend while signing up for a campaign, 2) when a user sends an invitation from their SNAPAP messaging center, 3) when a friend clicks on the word “participate” when investigating the public view of their SNAPAP page. An activist will discover that bringing in three friends to an online action indirectly leads to the participation of many more. Lineage charts display the specific interconnections that descend from every user.


Visit the site for guidance on using these powerful new features or call 800 878-1801 or your facilitator if the information provided isn’t clear.


How the Features Work Together

In October 2006, coalitions and networks in Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota all of whom use the AOT programming joined together, to post a petition which called for the Department of Homeland Security to stop live-fire target practice on the Great Lakes using lead ordnance, potentially dumping 7000 lbs of lead into the Lakes annually. Over 1200 signatures and comments were gathered online through the three AOT networks in less than three weeks. In total, almost 400 peace and environmental organizations had been contacted with dozens working in close cooperation as a direct result of the Actions Options Tool programming.


As a direct result of the campaigns initiated by the activities of the three state coalitions, the number of hearings, which the Coast Guard held on the issue, was increased to seven from the original four. At one of the hearings, of the 52 people testifying, 50 testified against the live-fire practice. Most of these people were contacted through the AOT programming. Information for the media advisory was pulled from the three AOTs. Numerous television, radio and print stories emerged from the hearings where activists and citizens congregated to make their feelings known. The tool notified, educated, organized and directed the members of member organizations to the targeted event.


On December 4, petitions were delivered to Senator Durbin’s aids along with a list of the 37 Illinois organizations supporting the petition. On December 13th the organizers met with Senator Durbin himself. By that meeting, the AOT showed that over 1800 citizens had signed the petition with 44 organizations in support. Durbin supported the activists’ position that the practice should be halted. He said he would set up a meeting to discuss this with those members of the Coast Guard that instituted the policy.


On December 18, the Coast Guard announced that they were discontinuing the program with no more live practice on the Great Lakes. Militarization of the Great Lakes was halted. The Dept. of Homeland Security retreat was directly related to the efficiency and ease of use of the Actions Options tool.


Grassroots Empowerment at its Best

The website software behind the PJEP networks seeks to lower the level of authority to the local grassroots organization, empowering those organizations across the country with unique and powerful communication tools and online resources. With the recent addition of social networking, we’ve integrated social networking with political action lowering the level of authority even further providing individual activists with knowledge and online features never before available at any level.


This is software designed to encourage emerging powerful democratizing forces by enhancing horizontal communication, nurturing transparency and facilitating diversity. By empowering the individual and local grassroots organizations, the AOT seeks to foster creativity where creativity can thrive, with the individual that seeks deep and lasting social change.

My Social Site Profiles

Facebook.com - http://uwm.facebook.com/profile.php?id=26721778 - Started as Alma Mater networking,

now king of Social Webs, hook up with friends old and new on the biggest network
MySpace.com - http://www.myspace.com/geanark - Art, Music, Poetry, self marketing; 2nd largest
LinkedIn.com - http://www.linkedin.com/in/geanark - Professional networking & skills sharing
Twitter.com - http://twitter.com/geanark - Microblogging, see also “Facebook Wall”


YouTube.com - http://youtube.com/user/geanark - Video sharing and promotions
Flickr.com - http://www.flickr.com/people/24974203@N00/ - Photo sharing and warehousing
PhotoBucket - http://s229.photobucket.com/albums/ee36/geanark/ - Photo sharing and warehousing
Playlist.com - http://www.playlist.com/user/39187254 - Playlist sharing
Pandora.com - http://www.pandora.com/people/geanark - Custom radio station sharing
Current  TV - http://current.com/users/geanark.htm - TV channel powered by votes of this social app



Digg.com - http://digg.com/users/geanark - Social bookmarking


BuzzFlash - http://www.buzzflash.net/user.php?login=geanark - Progressive social bookmarking

Del.icio.us - http://del.icio.us/geanark - Social bookmarking


NewsCloud - http://geanark.newscloud.com/ - Social bookmarking


Searchles - http://www.searchles.com/people/show/geanark - Social bookmarking
esnips - http://www.esnips.com/user/geanark - Sharing & archiving everything, data, files, bookmarks
Technorati.com - http://www.technorati.com/profile/geanark - Geek news and social bookmarking
ittoolbox.com - http://www.ittoolbox.com/profiles/geanark - Geek networking & skill sharing
Blogger - http://www.blogger.com/profile/04063545371900882248 - blogging and journaling network
LiveJournal - http://geanark.livejournal.com/profile - blogging and journaling network
TypePad -http://profile.typekey.com/geanark/ - blogging network
GreeNexus - http://greenexus.ning.com/profile/monteletourneau - Greenexus, my own social network
Ning - http://greenexus.ning.com/profile/geanark - Ning.com, build your own social network app
Yahoo 360 - http://360.yahoo.com/profile-EfOtN002fqcAJy5KT4lQ - Yahoo’s own nexus,
network, profile, open ID; Yahoo still trying to do it all, and not too badly at that
Tribe - http://people.tribe.net/bc250ffa-fec0-4e48-9eb6-72b322d65b2d- edgy communities’ social spaces,
tribal” “focus”, some very loyal cadre
Care2 - http://my.care2.com/geanark - Social activism oriented social web, still mostly amateurs
Classmates - http://www.classmates.com/cmo/user /my/profileindex.jsp;jsessionid=50SD0GOIBDCV4CQKWZUCUYQKBK1GSIV3 - Pay site to hook up
with those you went to school with, somewhat useless with facebook offering same for free.




Other standard, not so remarkable, social apps, with profiles, friends, and blogs:
Plaxo - http://geanark.myplaxo.com/
Friendster - http://www.friendster.com/geanark
Hi5 - http://geanark.hi5.com
Author Profiles:




My Blogs:







Other Stuff:




Op Ed Ideas

what can you do for our next president?
how to get involved locally in a campaign (would need some help with this one to do it penultimately)
summary of candidates and their positions
future convergence of corp and machine and the need for a more consensual, human, sustainable governace machine
universal spiritual needs and rights and recognition of them in the context of the needs creating the green movement and being expressed thereby, the question of the party’s roles, issues, responsibilities, and limitations, especially as individuals