the new lost in finding self: blogged worlds evolving mind – May 11, 2006

i’ve spent enough time immersed in the tailend of the wave of culture
last felt to be self indulgently wasting thier youth
many of us are in here
still down with the youth, when it really matters

as the expansion of the envelope with chemical and social help
was the same old better solution to the old hermit in a cave,
as television had given us the twisted belief in over-’consensus
and we founded counter culture
today it matters a little less who you are or where you are

this medium is not only more liberating, it is more egalitarian

while i’m keeping in mind that 2200$ was just established as the
income below which 85% of humans survive
we must, and will, soon include them,
and the instrument of doing so will transform all our lives
for the better,
as long as we retain control of our use of content, and connections.
the collective self reflection found upon blogs, emails, IMs, and spaces
is a neccesary prelude to effective collective action

whereas the dark solitude of the cave and hermit, and the pshycodelia,
connect us to the allness and our world,
they may alienate us more from each other, than not.

this reflection finds my minds reflections in the eyes of others
whilst this may not well bespeak of one’s social graces, in the ‘real’ world,
it does help excersize the same mental muscles

we need to split up into autonomous little self organized groups
and form our own global organization of human action
from the ground up
conciously, carefully, choosing our own clans
and forming up again, in a human culture, run for humanistic,
humane, human ends,
even long after it is no longer run by humans

i’d been very excited about writting as a youth,
but the motive was to share my thoughts,
once i’d formed them,
i ultimately needed more reason than to practice my words

here on myspace i can read what is written by those who read me, and publish with such facility that i’m quickly unable to do much else

just as it would be if i was always on peyote,
i’m not getting any work done.
now, there are other reasons i’m not working,
but it’s hard to object, for, in here, in very short time
a small somewhat random, un-directed, mosey about,
has given me several new friends that are helping me turn over and redefine many things
it’s not that my closest aren’t not all concerned with these aspects,
just we’ve been over it before,
my positions have solidified around definitions made for each other
over time tumblers move, hinges rust, doors open, doors close

new friends based solely on apparent intellectual depth?
a childhood dream, a leap forward for beingkind in Earth’s vicinity

writing to Piroska, i was discussing the tribal,
and the lost culture of the Ojibwe,
in light from the remaiing Gypsy culture
and i segued into the following:

it’s a more than a damn shame what is lost, but the
old old ways are for a world that no longer exists,
and the new old ways are constantly adapted to the changes around
the important thing is the attitude,
the state of mind and habits of culture
the rythms of life that give connectedness must be given back to all our children

the increasing dehumanization of the dominant culture
has come to the point where we must end that trending upward now
if we do not work today to do this humans will have no tomorrow

the dance of life must be returned to the norm; the beauty, appreciation, and respect

for Allness must be returned to our peoples

organizing on a human scale is core to this

eurocentric culture has a need to just start over in this respect
real political organization has to be broken into groups that can agree on a

and then, through negotiation, reassembled into an agreement the world can consent to
to build a world the world can consent to every day, forever

this must be done, but it will only need to be done one more time!
for it must be done right this time
having a culture that can evolve,
as opposed to a culture of absolutes is critical
our culture of constantly changing, ever more absolute truths make no sense
but there are confused ones today, who take each new truth as a long standing absolute foundation of right and wrong
change is good, but the foundations are not handed down on high
they are plain for all to see
the current turmoil within, and among religions,
seems based in that fact
any organized hierarchy of humans, in this age of information,
must confine itself to ends it may achieve
increasingly, this only means making money, not sense
only all of us can answer the big questions for all of us
the fragile brittle world of absolutes can’t stand much longer
the scared minds seeking leadership to explain away all the contradictions of thier worlds
will someday soon have to see that world blow away
when you can really see it, it’s amazing how much living in a mind of absolutes,
not only enables, but requires living in a body of hypocrisy

native, aboriginal, boreal, indeed tribal peoples of all nations,
and those without nations, and nations without self determination
all must collect together with the disenfranchised into a majority
this may seem like it will never happen, but it is happened, and it will be continued
to do this we all together must work out what it is we see,
what we want, and what the hell we

are going to do about it.
our entire set of paradigm sets must be recast,
independant of industrial capital’s control

and the only ones who can do it are ourselves

alliances between the disenfranchised, the nationless,
and the stateless nations and tribes
are increasingly strengthened from within
the tribal mind shares, the tribal mind cares, the tribal mind makes alliance

the actions of sustainable future for humanity belong to the tribal.
the comfort of unity with the diverse set of the All, proceeding therein
is in stark contrast, an improvement, on the austere, aloof, useless
monochromality of Judeo-christian-islamisms
the focus on death and what’s after it,
based solely on the fetishization of one heros death,
to procrastinate on joy untill you die

but joy requires a beautiful, healthy, diverse environment,
even inthe abstract or virtual world

so the tribal governments lend more help to the alliance,
and day by day, blog by blog, life by life, clan by clan
a sane world is being built.
the sumpremely human trait, done with love, or with hate,
to know when there is no other alternative
and choose the remaining choice,
and do whatever it takes
regardless of the odds,…
for there is no other choice

so far that is
we have learn about ourselves, that, collectively, we must be very careful who frames the question
in myspace, so far, we choose who frames the question
i do keep noting that there is not only no politics category,
but no green, anarchic, transcendant, spiritual, radical,
useful, meaningfull ones either

well, for now, for me, blogworlds expand mind