Misogyny Corner: A response (780 hits) @ http://www.ubersite.com/m/81195

maybe i should have left it at just a link, but i really want to share this one
to be found @:


Misogyny Corner: A response (780 hits)
Submitted by badassmofo

I don’t really agree with the ‘women are crazy’ mentality.
Personally I think the whole issue is a problem with communication.
You see I’ve spent 10 years now,
living with my wife and 5 of them married to her and we have,
from what I can tell, a very good relationship.

It didn’t come easy; it didn’t come without work and sacrifice on both of our behalves.
No in fact it came from the complete opposite end of the spectrum,

We spent years listening to what the other person was saying but not hearing it.
Fact is we were speaking two different languages.
She spoke Woman and I spoke Constant Hard On,
it was like someone speaking French to a Klingon, it just didn’t work.

In fact this lack of communication led to us breaking up somewhere
around the end of our second year together.

Eventually we got back together and having bared our souls,
you see when you are about to lose something that you’ve loved more than anything else in your life
you become disgustingly honest.

So we talked and we listened and began to form our own language.
Or maybe a better analogy is that we created an interpretation machine of sorts.

You see when she said “Man the lawn needs mowing”
I no longer heard
“You fucking lazy man, why don’t you get off your ass and mow the lawn,”
I just heard an observation.
Unless of course she said
“You fucking lazy man, why don’t you get off your ass and mow the lawn,”
because I never had a problem understanding that.

And when I said stuff like
“I’m going out to have some drinks with the boys after work tonight,”
she no longer heard
“I’m going to get stinking pissed and see what type of venereal disease I can get.”

You see its all about communication,
and to learn to communicate takes time,
it’s different with everyone because we all speak different languages.

If you’ve got it in your mind that there will be fireworks when your eyes meet,
that love at first site is the norm or that she’ll turn soft with your every advance
you are mistaken and will likely end up alone.

You see love at first sight, more times than not,
ends up being a load of bullshit in fairly short order.
Mainly because it is a farce,
you can’t love someone when you first meet them,
its impossible, stop watching movies.

You can’t truly love someone until you’ve smelled their shit
and you’re ok with it.
Love grows its not spontaneously created.
You can’t love someone or be loved by them until they’ve seen you at< your lowest,
or until you’re holding her hair while she pukes in the toilet.

Now the question comes ‘this seems like a lot of effort,
how will I know who is the right one?’
I don’t know what to tell you there, some folks luck out as I have
and it works out with the first one that they actually bare themselves to
and try to work it out.
But most folks,
most of them have to try repeatedly before they find the right one….
but it’s worth it.

Women aren’t any crazier than men are;
we’re equally crazy in our own way.
It’s a matter of finding the one whose bad habits,
bitching, crying, farting that you can stand.

All that said one of the most important things is that you are happy with yourself,
you’re likely to not be able to be happy with someone else.
You see if you are unhappy with you then again,
you are having a communication problem but it’s with yourself.

When you find a woman that you deem crazy,
keep in mind that she is no crazier than any other woman, or any other
man for that matter.
It’s that her craziness is not compatible with your craziness.