turtle piss & animal rescue – Jul 19, 2006

i wanted to recap the idylic last 2 months when i got home.
now much of that is obliterated by war.

we built a chicken coop and planted some veggies,
every morn Jackie would go out and get the eggs,
Jackie’s car crapped out, and she bought a white Toyota
watering and feeding the chickens, and watering the plants.

whenever we had to drive somewhere
(almost every day, one way or another)
it was likely to blow the whole day.

i did get to help three turtles cross the road, however.
the first one was a really large painted turtle,
maybe half my age, or more.

i heard a gurgling sound as i turned him over to see his belly,
they are so brightly painted, and i wanted to be sure that was what he was.

we all laughed as he sprayed me really well out of the same leg-hole
that was pointed towards my face as i turned him.

he missed my face, but my shirt and arm got wet.

i washed at a gas station, and Jackie had to buy me
a new t-shirt so i could enter the restaurant we were going to.

the second turtle was the only snapper i’ve ever touched
though he was hardly bigger than my hand, it was really scary
his long neck would have nabbed me if i held him much longer.

the third was a small painted, much more what i’m used to.

we also saw a homing pigeon that had been attacked by the side
of the road, and took him home.

while trying to find the right contacts online, we found out her son Rob
knew of a guy nearby, right across the road from where he was moving in,
who kept them. it was within a mile down the same road we found it along
we drove over, and, sure enough, it was his.

we also saw many deer, and took a few scenic drives.

we went to the Midwest Renewable Energy Fair and had some fun
well, that’s the short vers.,
soon i will post more info about occupation and bombing than you could want.