new vers., montecult build 3.01 – Sep 25, 2006

it was asked again, which seems so seldom, and apparently there was a new concise version to be revealed, yet another onion layer,

“By the way, what is this “Allness” stuff? Another flaky new-age feel good cultist wanna-be group or religion? Well, if it is a religion, I guess it is no worse than the others.
Rick Wilhelm
To utter Allnessness, level 5, universal wonderment!”

monte letourneau to RICK

yea, my cult! only one sheep allowed per shepherd, oneself.

so it’s kinda about one’s personal relation to the All, and the greatness
of the collective being grace within one. the one within one, as it were.

kind of gnostic, i respect the words of Lao Tzu above any others, and
feel the greatest historical sympathy with our native consensus based

i really don’t think i’ve been revealed the words to explain it well to you.

the core concepts of my spiritual path are particle physics and cosmology.
those with a spiritual questing who follow well the logic of these sciences
often follow well my spiritual philos, which can sometimes also make sense to
those who are students of philosophy, especially if well versed in the
fundamental sciences, and open to a variety religious concepts.

it is almost by definition not a religion,
it is my own path to words i am comfortable using.

a cult of one.

the main rites are things like looking up at a full moon and loving
it’s beauty while returning my fluids to the earth, Loving my lover,
making the most of food i’ve helped grow, and in general artfully,
fully, passionately, living each moment gracefully, fully in the cycle
carnate (no soul, reincarnation, or after death).

hard core materialist science proves well the miracle of existing,
that Allness’s Grace and Love is.
i am a hard core materialist, i desire to deny the splitting of
material and spirit.
as well, i believe the brain evolved to choose good,
and that the most apt word for the concept of evil is stupid.
given the possibilities of the infinte in time and space,
it is not that far fetched to imbue All with the ability to evolve a
completely transcendant being, independant of localization in time or

wither she be yet or not, then she will always have been here now

and you are an inextricable part of It’s evolution.

that which we are allowed to know her most intimately, at this time,
in, is Earth.
you might say that Gea is a minor goddess, or an archangel to me, or,
I am a Gaen, but it only approximates the truth – as does all i have
written here.
which seems much in the spirit, now that i review the letter, of your
“universal wonderment”, a stage beyond which it is not yet mine see.