Wicca; losing my religion, finding my beingness

Beingness; Finding my Religion

i am relatively well versed in the readings of several traditions
i have a hard time comparing modern neo-wiccans
to other older traditions that have left us a written record

it is very interesting to me that archaeology is finally giving us a picture of celtic culture and druids
but wicca as it was practiced is a relatively solitary, very preliterate practice,
best found in old midwives tales

so generally, when i speak of wicca, it is something that i consider an abstract unattainable dead thing

but if you want brand new and growing, 
alive and dynamic, modern neopagans are great,
if you hang with the ones’ who you think use some level of reasonable reasoning

but it helps me feel the main things of all traditions
that connection that i know is there with my tribal ancestors

and the roots of euro traditions in prehistory

it is all about sensual, beingness, communalness,
the allness

modern monotheism denies respectful familiarity with the visceral to it’s own debility and to the debility of our world and every one of us
a connectedness to the earth mother, and Allness, 
implies or enables a more sensuous connectedness with pleasure, and each other.

but the real thing to me,
Sufi Mystic, Taoist magician, and Hindu ascetic aside,
what really matters to me on the spiritual level of transmissible, recordable, culture,
is to be found in all the aboriginals
the “native” peoples’ cultures all value consesus,
and love, and compassion, and humanity, 
the visceral, vital, joy of the great implacable Allness

since my practice is here,
and my methods, materials, and places, are all native,
(at least the plants animals and human here are all natives now,
and have been adapted to by the native cultures)
more and more often, if you really make me pin it down
my religion is American Indian,
but that does not exist
anglo culture has always tried to 
conglomerate tribal cultures, first into each other, 
and then into the anglo culture

but tribal culture evolves at the band level
and everyone is a member of at least one clan

connectedness arises again

clans have the rhythm of the year,
and the rhythm of one’s life stages,
and the rhythm of the moon,
and this helps exlplain the rythms of life
within, without, and all around you
even the speech that connects our minds with each other and concepts that match all around us
ceremonies that connect you to the changing, and implacably fixed rythms of Allness

rythms of your own movements, and actions,
and thier relations to the rythms of those around you,
and with all of beingness
such that one perceives one’s life as dancing
not even a dance, a dancing
the primitive mind is built differently,
better for the future, than the immediate past
the dance of beingness is more appropriate to the expanding pie,
horizotally structured, consensus, infosphere technologia we must be building

every memory easily retrieved from the place it came from
and fitting into all the others in a rational, alive, growing, and evolving whole
living in nested sets of individuals’ collectives and thier collected various greater groupings
rhythm to the connections between clans, bands, tribes, and nations
the marriages of enemies blending thier wills
softening hatreds
real cultural evolution that really still 
works so much better than the capitalist industrialist

it’s more fun for us
easier on Earth
more of godness
and goodness
to be

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