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Devi Jones
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What is Technologia?
The short answer is: a systematic treatment of an art.
The Greek root of technology is Techne as combined with Logia, or technologia.
Technologia has a wider, and yet more narrow, meaning than technology.
Techne, or technos is art, skill, artfulness, and a skill. Today we know this word also as technique.
Logia, to do with logos, the word, is to be saying, or to order the words such.
Which is to say ordering, or creating a system of thought, logic, and philosophy.
Technologia came to be known to mean a systematics, an ordering of an art.
This concept is meta to our meaning for technology, and even systematics, for it means the entire life cycle and context of an art as opposed to just that of it's toolage.
Not only does it imply all of the questions of how, technologia implies an integration of techne with the human, social, environmental, and other questions of why.
Both techne and logia could easily be confused in English with Gnosis,
but the modern sense of technology and gnostic seem hardly similar at all to most.
In the ancient world, one could easily have spoken of the gnosis of technologia,
or the technologia of gnosis in meaningful terms.
What's Infognosis
For me, the word technologia illuminates the need for gnosis today.
Wikipedia on Technology
Merriam Webster on Technology on Technology
Linguasphere on Technology
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Devi Jones
Green Party USA
Copyleft Allness Unlimited, Last Update 2007 04 09
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