this is a living, breathing, working, organic, hence failing, out of control monster of a process; please support it with your feedback
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geanark @ MySpace
My Art
Devi Jones
Green Party USA
Devi's Words
Chapt. 1
Chapt. 2
Chapt. 3
Timeline of Major Life Accomplishments
"human is the source of all Earth's problems.
For them to expect the being of supremeness to fix what they broke
bespeaks the greatest hubris."
Basil Frampton, 'coon, 2nd immortal, the companion, "Devi's pet",
when asked if he could use the word hubris in a sentence during the inquisition.
Favorite phrase - "jelly donut cannons rule"
Devi's Poetry:
Our Mother
A spinning garden jewel glistening in the void
The evolving beauty of her incipient brain lost
in idleing cancerous malignancy
I stand before the goddess of my ancestors
Begging forgivance my innocence
A steady gaze in her eye
We know I'll all ways love her
With each no choice but to do as we do
With all I can do I offer
"this life to stop the extinction"
offering left on the altar of my heart
"walk forth from this place of desecration
we will eat the pain with our smiles
our tears will turn the path green
in our struggles to be freely
we will a place of beauty
and in our faces we'll hold truth and peace
spinning thru the galaxy sowing seed
I will bloom in health and you need never die
Gia will live
With me
or without us
Gia will live
Her Prayer
Our Mother
who art in earth
hallowed be thy rain
Our will be one
Her will be done
To make heaven on our good earth
Our Mother
beginnings' berth
relieve our pain
The time has come
to get things done
In our sights is the end of dearth
Our Mother
who's art is birth
renew what's been slain
Our Mother
for all that she's done
we all owe thanks
Warlords are done
peace's time has come
We have no more use for the gun
Our Mother
who sustains our life
We can and must now end all strife
We are all one
archons' reign is done
To heaven's reign we are berth
Psalm I
Thanx for vinegar and salt
Thanx for a bit of wheat, hops, and malt
That there should be
And that it knows
Where to flow
Thanx for dioxygen
Or either alone
And for what you do
Thank you
Thanx for sky
A place called home
The earth inside
With room to roam
flowers may have petals
thanks to all the metals
like iron and potasium
with the salt of sodium
balence our fluidity
to keep the water in
by providing our skin
carbon keeps it all together
protecting us from weather
and covers our nudity
For phosphorus and calcium
In every bone
And thank you nitrogen
For all we've grown
Thank you sun
Thank you chlorophyl
For what's done
For you carbo fill
Nucleic acids
Are oh so nice
When you kids
Twine them 'round twice
That mass and energy
Should dance so divine
Thank you
Oh thank you!
Thanx for time, to think
Thus able to mind
prayer is how we treat your body and mine
it's the life we will have to see
to have a future where we will be
prayer is how and why we seek for our kind some more time
peace cooperation and blessings will be all that can get done
when our new age has begun
our love will hit a peak
when no confinement by death has been won
and there is heaven under the sun
we will have all that we seek
and there out of the ashes of art
will rise like a big happy fart
a new health a new self a new state of being
a new stealth a new wealth a new way of seeing
a new day a new way to be a sage
and quicken the place
a new way to bring out another age
in a state of grace
a shiny new enlightened stage
to be realities new page
a new world a new state of phase
a new sight a new like a new kind of race
a new flight a new tyke a new state of grace
a new upward a new load to bear
a new inward a new way to share
to return to the place of the crown of culture
pushing on outward to space
to be civil I'd guess
a new way to treat I & you and relations between
with a blend of old meanings and beauty can be seen
a new life a new breath and a look in between
if we are to see
the 21st century
the most meaning full art
will have to be
3 rules of revolution:
3.everything you do is important and is your valid domain
4.everything anyone does is important and a valid domain of your study
5.if you're not having more fun your not more revolving
the revolution's never done
the restoration never rests
the reformation always fails to choose
viva la revolution!!!
Favorite one liners and such:
We're optomists, not stupid
Paranoia will die!
Galactic conciousness now
Rainforest is genengine
Genengine rainforest
Radital = rad it all
Simple bodies evolve intelligence in complex environments
Complex bodies evolve simple minds in simple environments
Synchronicity increases with increase in the number of levels at which complexity
arises in an environment
Everything is everything [everything is everything - everything is everything -
everything is everything]
Intellectual Property can be Murder.     Question Reality.     Gimme Feedback.    
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Main Index
geanark @ MySpace
My Art
Devi Jones
Green Party USA
Copyleft Allness Unlimited, Last Update 2007 11 03
this is a living, breathing, working, organic, hence failing, monster of an out of control process; please support it with your feedback