Freedom is a state of mind

i cannot give you your freedom
and i cannot take it away
but i will blog all night
for your right to freely express

there are times when they come in the night,
and they come in the day with unimaginable weaponry
and they massacre, and the unimaginative, and the trusting, and the compassionate
and sometimes just everyone,
are just gone

while we may, let’s make hey!
connectedness, community, and wisdom
are ever more accessible

for the picoradio linked sensorchip parallel computing networks
smart dust (and these links are ancient)
of the very near future will know all and see all
and we had better be ready to share it

so live in the light, live in the open
share a solidarity of community
or be first on the cattle cars when
some botnets evolve sentience
and the one in charge buys all the corps

and fires us all

only love and hope can prevent us from being
supeceded by our own machinations

offering instead, to humanize machination
to embody it in wisdom
to bring it back to the whole technologia
by sharing decisions enough that they are
decided by those who care, and are most affected
the real stakeholders all need a say,
and to decide we all need all the info

either way privacy will die
the built environment will become programable
all our best technologia will be grown
and the bug on the windowsill will have eyes
that see the world from all three angles
narrator, subject, object
someone will soon know the world inside out
i feel strongly that one should be ALLOFUS!
otherwise surely not wise

together we can form Gea a much higher mind

we come together in spaces like this more easily
and with more frequency
while most of the peoples’ content and bandwidth
is filled with the drival of peoples’ lives
that is the goal, the objective is for all to have a soap box
all to have a voice, and all to have a choice

and no little puny subterfuge like Dieboldly voting machines
and a few badley stolen, suposedly public, elections,
will ever really change that

when the people realize the chips are down and it’s time to play our cards
and how rare and beautiful us beingness on Earth is
but mostly people never do anything about a problem
untill they can really see it coming, and where the solution is going

this is why we must more fully share the truths of our consensus reality

how do i not love us all?

©: Allness LLC 2006, rights to use by all not subject to any restrictions