Tell Congress No! Retain the right to grow food!

This Bill Died In Committee.

soon to be up for a vote is a bill that could stop small and local producers;
HR-875  ‘Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009’
There is a U.S House Resolution…HR875…entitled “The Food Safety Modernization Act”…put forth by Rosa Deloro, a Dem. from CT, whose husband is Stanley Greenberg, who works with many corporations, including Monsanto, that wants EVERYONE who grows ANY food to register and report to the Feds.
Failure to do so results in large fines and potential seizure of property.
I’ve never been poisoned by anything at a farmers market, and it’s none of their business if i choose to grow a strawberry plant or a tomato!
Text of Bills:
HR-875 Meta Data:
1:40; INN report; Criminalize Organic Farming? EXCUSE ME?! BILLS: HR 875 and S 425
5:22 (actually @ 2:25-4:20); Don’t Panic! USGovernment to regulate ANY “Farm” – Victory Gardens? RELOAD
8:15; The End of Local Food (HR 875)
google video search:
Text Editorials:
Monsanto’s dream bill, HR 875 (followed by an excellent selection of Monsanto GM quotes, and massive good commentary)
Change We Can Believe In: How About the End of Farmers Markets? Say Hello to H.R. 875: Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009
HR 875 The food police, criminalizing organic farming and the backyard gardener, and violation of the 10th amendment
HR 875: The End Of Organic Farming?
HR875: Your homegrown tomatoes are illegal
The End of Organic Farming? How HR875 Could Kill the Farmers Market
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feel free to plagiarize my wiseacre comment below left on one of these pages;
better yet, write your congress person!
i’m so scared of organic food that i think the government should arm us with assault weapons and rockets and train us to use such in self defense against rabid tomatoes and broccoli
it would probably also make us a whole lot safer if we spread all our nuclear waste evenly over all lands that might be used to grow food consumed in the US just to make sure that even if organic farming techniques are being used anywhere that i won’t have to be attacked by any actually organic food
as to those who would like to give me their extra homegrown zucchinis, i would be happy to entertain the idea of accepting them if you can submit triplicate copies of the paperwork required by this bill to ensure your food facility is safe enough for me and mine

growing vegetables next door without submission of this documentation will require a response from my assault weapons

monte letourneau WI Green Party
Allness Unlimited
all general statements are false